WoW Classic Launch and Testing Schedule

I would suspect they probably have a record going back several years, possibly even back to Vanilla itself. So “time subbed” may mean “when they were subscribed, and for how long” but as you said, it also could simply mean they’re going to seek a balance of “old (current/active) subscriptions” and “new” (recently activated) subs.

If they have a way to determine an account was played heavily during the 1.x to pre-Cata time frame, I’m inclined to suspect they’re going to try to favor selecting those players where possible. While the TBC+ players don’t have prior experience with Vanilla, they do have background with the pre-Cataclysm world all the same.

I guarantee they do.

At the 10 year mark, I got a statue because my primary account has been subbed since the first day the game was released.

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A new kind of loot box.

Of course, I was expecting something like this all along, I remembered active subs being required for the TBC and Wrath Beta tests(or at least, it was in the terms and conditions, without regard to being enforced). so I’ve been subbed since shortly after they announced Classic.

When School Starts, just like I said it should.

/comforts School Kids…Teachers…Bus Drivers…ect

THANK YOU Blizzard!!

OTOH, it gives them a pretty good way to measure the level of interest in Classic.

Updated my beta preferences!!! Even got 2 full days free starting tomorrow to go bug hunting!

Classic WoW’s core audience is likely to be in their mid-late 20’s at the youngest as while I know a number of people under 13 were playing it even then, they were an extreme minority. 15 years later, that 13 year old in 2004 would be 28. Not likely to be a college student.

Now your typical BfA player? That’s another matter, and not the target audience.


I know I’d be.

Subbing to have a chance at being picked? Never!

Having a chance to be picked without a sub but requiring a sub to play should I get picked?
No problem!

Edit 5/20: Someone liked this recently but just need tol et you know…I caved you guys I subbed the next day after this :man_facepalming::man_shrugging:


I subbed in an attempt to get into the classic beta. I am about to feel like I got ripped off if I dont get in.


Considering most likely feedback regarding “authenticity” is likely to end up being invalid anyhow, even for the veterans such as myself and most in here. Their purpose in being in the Beta is to locate bugs and other “unintended gameplay.” Anybody can do that. Broken is broken, it doesn’t take a “rocket surgeon” to figure that much out.

The “authenticity” aspect is another matter, but to think that’s not going to get hashed over regardless is kind of silly and deranged.

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Been in every beta and most of the alphas. Regularly put in tickets (possibly too many, during alphas) Eager to find the bugs in Classic before the general population sees them. Have a sub.

Your gross generalization is gross.

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That’s correct, but avg 30+ year old doesn’t have time to waste on games. If Blizzard wants to be profitable in the future they need to broaden their audience. Being inaccessible to new and young players is the reason why the company is in the state it’s in. I know more people who want to play classic that haven’t played vanilla than people who have. We’ve been hyping it for years, but blizz gave them the finger with Aug 27th.

I hear you.

The “tactic” was in reference Janorie’s use of it about me: saying that no one is going to argue if one doesn’t want to sub for a chance at the beta.

As for Bliz, it is new that one needs to be subbed to the main game, agreed. I was just saying that for however many don’t participate (for what ever reason), more invites go out.

Classic is not designed to be a new game. That’s what Retail is for. Wrong market.

I should get an auto invite into the Classic wow. Look at my main hand dagger in the armory. its “Kingsfall” dagger from vanilla wow. I got it 15 years ago or so from Naxxaramas Kel’thuzad (pre nerf). This dagger was only obtainable during wow vanilla not afterwards.

The original players who don’t play anymore are the target market.

Also if you were 12 during Vanilla, you’d be in the 25 to 28 age bracket now. That’s not a typical college student age bracket. Unless you’re a grad student(which most don’t become).

And the counter-response wasn’t saying that many players wouldn’t be in that age bracket. The counter-response was that most players when it comes to Classic WoW, are expected to be closer to 30 than they are to 20.

For those making the obtuse argument that “summer technically does not end until September”.

August 27 is the very end of summer as it is OBSERVED by literally everyone. The summer season as per job/school/activity calendars ends on Labor Day.

So there is nothing “summer” about a Very Classic Summer™. Classic comes out four days before everyone’s summer is over. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

The entire U.S. plans around the meteorological calendar, not the astronomy calendar. So drop the tripe kthx. :sunglasses:


Not sure what sort of draconian country you live in that forbids older adults from going to school, but in America there are an estimated 8-9 million college students who are age 25 or older. There are ~12 million younger than 25, which means that 9/21 or ~43% of the college students in America are 25 are older. Crazy, I know.

There are also millions of teachers, bus drivers, and others who get the entire summer off. Many parents plan to take time off during the summer because that’s when their kids have time off.

For almost all retail companies, and thousands of companies in other sectors, from September on is when they begin the initial steps of ramping up their operations in preparation for the holidays. Any number of positions will begin to have less time off during the months leading into that season.

It’s not just kids. Most first-worlders have a good portion of their total vacation time available to them during the peak of summer.

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Targeting 30 year olds with no family or commitments isn’t a viable marketing strategy for a video game developer.

Tell that to every American who for months has been saying that the US ends “Fall” in late September.

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