WoW Classic Era, AOE Spell Circle Bug

I am running into an issue where I can’t cast AOE spells that uses a Spell Circle target i.e: Flamestrike / Blizzard, in some areas of the world. There is nothing blocking the terrain but my mouse pointer is grayed out and the spell circle does not show. I noticed other players can AOE the same area, but I cannot. Not sure if this is a bug specific to MacOS.


Check your Spell Density setting in the game. This is found in the Options > System > Graphics > Spell Density. You may also need to increase your Particle Density setting. That is found in the same area as the previous setting.

Same problem. Spell density, etc. at max. Just started.

Same here, 99% sure it’s a macos problem, I’m playing on an M1. Looks like something changed with a recent hotfix, I literally can’t cast any abilities that have an AOE target reticle =(

I’m on Classic Era. What is Spell Density? I do see Particle Density. I set Particle Density: Good

This bug is affecting all Mac users. Nothing you can do about it on your end. Have to wait for Blizzard to fix it.

when can we expect this bug to be fix ? been a week i cant plage my mage now

iam experiencing it on classic Era


I am still hitting this issue

same heres same here

When is Blizzard going to fix this, its unplayable at the moment.


still nothing fix …

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How is there no blue post on this? this is a clear regression in the game.

i have the same issue – i’ve scanned for corrupted files on the launcher, uninstalled, removed my addons folder, nothing has fixed it. Brother also has the issue, and he also plays on Mac, so it appears blizzard screwed something up. Been 3 weeks now for me.

Yeah, don’t know what Spell Density is either. I just move Particle Density to MAX, and still cannot cast spell AOE spells in the Shimmering Flats, which is one of the least obstructed places in the game.

Can’t cast AOE abilities on like ground, such as “Death and Decay” and “Anti-Magic Zone”. When I click the keybind, a green circle may or may not appear depicting where the spell placement would be, and then it disappears while moving my cursor around, and the cursor goes from glowing green to grey. And then i click to cast on the ground on top of my character, and it says “out of range” or “target not in line”. Someone else in trade chat has same issue and many other people have posted in bug reports all self reporting playing on Macs. I play on a Mac M1 and the issue started upon logging in tonight. I lost rating which is frustrating. Had I known there was an issue I wouldn’t have queued. I ran through all the diagnostic guidelines already and submitted a ticket but I thought it would be important to post it here too.


I have the same issue. I made a post here WoW Classic Era, AOE Spell Circle Bug - #5 by Stèin-whitemane

This seems like a big issue for us Mac users. Makes the game unplayable…

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Same here. Just started today. Very frustrating.

fix asap bliz

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Is already another thread on this issue for live Reticles/Ground Targeting Spells Not Working