WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

Blizzard, PLEASE! FFS! Stop fncking with Classic Era and leave it the the hell alone. We’re paying our subscriptions to a 20-year-old game loyally, so just leave us the fnck alone. Stop “fixing” things that aren’t broken! Damn it anyhow!


I’d argue we want the original gameplay and to that point: a) UI changes not impacting gameplay would be welcome, and b) original-Vanilla had NO GUILDS going for regular world buffs so adjusting world buffs remains fair game.

this isnt original vanilla, this is are talking about individual player behaviors

so no


Please revert these SoD inspired changes and please, please, for the love of god, please reimplement spell batching.

Remember back when you made changes after changes with expansion after expansion, and the private server world blew up as a reaction to it? And then you brought back classic wow to counter it? Well, you’re going to have the same issue all over again. People are going to cancel subscriptions and get back on private servers.


Roll it back no one wants this and this bug (what you are calling an update) is completely out of nowhere.


Constantly catering to grifting streamers that move on to the next flavor of the month.

You gave them Wrath WoW token, Cataclysm, Hardcore WoW, and that awful SoD.

Now Era players gotta deal with unwanted changes. Good grief.


This needs reversing now, i cannot stand it, and i play era cause i like vanilla not your other crap versions.


Revert these changes immediately. Take ERA off of the SOD client (and all future seasonal clients). Every patch bugs bleed over, and you devs can’t be bothered to fix bugs in ERA for months / years.

Now these SOD changes NO ONE asked for, with unintended consequences that will hurt the game (i.e. harder to get Rend on horde now because fewer players level horde alts for Rend).


Anyone who asked for changes like this never cared about preserving the integrity of the game and likely moved on to TBC, Wrath, Cata, retail, or simply left the game. The people that play Era are here to play the game as is, as referenced by the fact that these changes were pushed out with zero communication and they were here beforehand.

Stop making excuses for changes that should not have happened.

Blizzard - Just revert it and keep your hands off this game. It really isn’t that hard. Also, learn to communicate on this forum.


Here’s what really happened. Blizzard added the changes for SOD and accidentally put it into era and HC. Now with SOD coming out tomorrow they have to wait to fix era and HC. They are acting like it was an official change to cover themselves. Once enough people get pissed they will reply in another thread in a few weeks saying “we have heard your feedback and will remove these changes.” Now blizzard is the good guy again. Nice PR move blizzy


So the only thing blizzard had to do with Era was…literally nothing. Hands off the keyboard, don’t touch it.

Yet they still managed somehow to mess it up…


This is genuinely surreal to see unfold. My goodwill with Blizzard was low to begin with after all that’s happened, the token in WotLK Classic was the nail in the coffin for me for Classic so I went back to era and HC.
But this is just sad. An obvious mistake which seems unfixable gets played off as “features” and “patch notes”.

I’m actually just flabbergasted.


Yeah it’s clear SoD stuff spilled over into Era. Why not just be honest about it? We’re not stupid.


I have been playing Era since TBC launched, on and off, but since then. I know a few other people on this forum have too. I’m seriously considering cancelling my sub after half a decade of paying for Era, and trying to sell people on ‘‘forever servers’’. It’s not just these changes, its the interface menus change, the ranking change, the item restriction change, its not going to end. These are not the forever servers I’m paying for.

Literally the only thing stopping me from unsubbing is my guild, they’re awesome. But if we get retail changes constantly, it won’t be long before guilds mean nothing and I’ll just unsub on a whim.


Sad and pathetic, what happened to blizzard caring about their players? This is a huge slap in the face to Era players who were happy with their game not changing.


RIP era.

You’ll be missed.


What happened is about 10 years of them not caring.


I’m actually really considering unsubbing.


Kaivax, we’re talking to you and would like a response. As you can see, there is significant dissatisfaction with these changes and the lack of communication. Escalate the issue, revert the changes, and communicate with the paying customers.


Please revert these changes. Classic Era should remain as the game it was in Patch 1.12 — a museum for those who enjoy this version of the game most. This decision, along with the decision not to leave even a single permanent server for TBC and WotLK, will serve only to push even more players towards illicit means of playing their favorite versions of the game. And wasn’t half the point of the Classic project to make these versions of the game officially and permanently accessible for those who wanted them, so people wouldn’t have to do that in the first place?