WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

When you’re deciding to unsubscribe or not, please do remember that Blizz charged you 40$ to copy a character to classic “forever” era, and then proceeded to put leveling boosts in TBC, and then boosts AND the WoW token in Wrath.

We paid 40$ for the luxury of Blizzard being too lazy to fix terrible code and pretend it was intentional. Remember, this is permanent.


Aggrend will pay for this.


This character is stuck on Cata. R13 and all my PvP gadgets, 100k HKs, memories. I came back and had a really good time reranking on a new character before the PvP changes. I thought the future looked bright. Fooled myself yet again.

Cya in fresher pastures.


I’m sorry. I wish there was a good era for you to come back to.


I don’t think it’s Aggrends fault.

It almost certainly played out like this.

Underpaid Dev: Oops we had some of the changes from SoD bleed into Era/Hardcore what do we do?

Upper Management: Sell it as a feature and an improvement!


I would happily throw the unpaid intern a WoW token to figure this out, assuming it wasn’t TOS. But, alas. It’s best to just revert this change and cut the whole classic team.


Aggrend is the guy managing the devs. It’s his fault.


If you think this is bad, just wait until SoD phase 4 flops.


Could have been Aggrend, or it could have just easily have been someone under him or Holly. We don’t know but its likely made by someone in management.

If it was Aggrend who signed off on this, I think we will probably get a tweet from him in a few hours saying it was him.

We “Vanilla Classic” Players didn’t ask for it though! The game is meant to be untouched! Not happy Blizzard. You’re now going against the wishes of players who signed a petition with Mark Kern in 2016! Not a very smart business decision!


Blizzard asks why they lose player numbers… this… this is why you lose players. You don’t listen to the playerbase EVER. You force updates down our throat and tell us to just deal with it.

Fire absolutely every person who assisted in making this decision. You people are an absolute disgrace.


I absolutely 100% support era staying era, but, calling for people to be fired is not productive. If the hope is to get it reverted keep the arguments productive.


Please reverse this decision, ERA players did not want this forced upon them, keep this to SoD.


Revert the changes. No one asked for this. Era is not sod!

Everlook stocks are rising.


These are the dumbest patch notes that Ive ever read in my life.

Nobody asked for any of these changes.

Why are you punishing the Classic Era Community ???


Delighted to see continuing quality of life improvements not affecting Era gameplay. Love this progress!

because they didnt and dont plan to, they removed what they disliked and left the rest

The problem isn’t just these five changes, changes keep happening.

These devs think they can reinvent the wheel because making changes is more fun for them than allowing things to remain the same. This leaves their mark on the game.

For the players who liked “Vanilla” or 2019 Classic, and who are playing Era for that, it’s death by a thousand cuts.

I’ve unfortunately seen what was happening very clearly for a while. :frowning: I’ve even posted on the SoD to the people saying to “go to Era if you don’t like SoD” that Era keeps getting changed because of SoD. Here we are now with 5 new announced changes for Era that was NEVER stated to have somechanges. Who knows how many unannounced ones.

Very sad. Seeing 1.12 come back at some point would be amazing but sadly that’s probably a pipe dream.


Exactly. Developer Hubris. They are in GOD MODE. THEY CREATE. Classic had no place for creation, so they MADE ONE.

Literally unsubbing 2 accts. Bye to the Retail shills that float around this forum.


This is just a social experiment so people unsub from the game so they can claim they have a reason to shut down era.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.