WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

Dear current Blizz devs, I and most of the community do not trust you to follow the design philosophy set by the devs circa 2004. Whatever design philosophy is followed for modern WoW has no bearing or relevance to Classic. All of us have put in a lot of time and effort into our accounts and characters and I do not want to see any of that marginalized by out of touch changes.

You have a successful product here because its very draw is that it is the way things were. Every subsequent change makes it less the way it was and makes the game less and less appealing. For all the sakes of dedicated players around the world and your own subscription base, leave well enough alone.


Ok my first post was removed by the ridiculous “report” feature, sort of like the old Twitter where when people spoke up they were attacked, I don’t stand down i’m afraid! I’m an original Nostalrius petition signee from 2016. We the players did not ask for any changes to WoW Classic “Era”! It’s not acceptable! We paid to clone, and it was meant to be a time capsule, as it was. Now there were minor changes in 2019, we copped that! Please no more changes, we don’t want Vanilla touched. Run a separate “Classic +” if you have to Blizzard!
Secondly, Blizzard/Microsoft, get rid of the AI driven “report” features you have! Reporting for “trolling” when a clear statement has been made by a VERY long term WoW player and supporter! I am not happy with the service in any way shape or form! You’re an absolute disgrace! Removing legitimate criticism (no swearing or bad language used), any of these changes stay you’ve lost a sub! I’m teetering as is! The only thing keeping me here momentarily is the community and my guild on Remulos I’m telling you, that YOU have done everything in your power to destroy! With free transfers off bolstering BoT farming and offshoring to Mankrik and Whitemane! You are clueless! You are NOT “Community builders” as you claim! You are community destroyers! You have systematically destroyed the Oceanic community and realms!


My post was also removed the same way last week, almost causing me to unsub because I’m very careful to not troll or make these discussions personal. I was going to entirely quit posting here as well, until I saw your post. Thank you for lending your courage.


Unsubbing until you revert this change. Leave era alone, the whole point was that it was supposed to be as close to the original experience as possible.


lost a few friends to this change

please change it back


Games ruined because…you have a better guild UI, priests can’t grief anymore, a wbuff that people have been asking for for 20 years was added and feral is slightly less of a meme.

Classic players turning a nothing burger into the end of the world, must be a day ending in Y.

You’ve missed the point entirely.

Its not whether any change was good or bad, its because the promise was to keep ERA in the same state as the day before the TBC pre-expansion patch.


Can we get a response from someone at the company please?


Is anyone going to respond to this at all?


No, they’ll just ignore it and collect sub money.


The entire purpose of classic servers is to play the game as it was. Making changes like this is horrible and will for sure push players away from your game and back to private servers.

Do better.


Devs so out of touch with their player base they can’t even respond to the community.


Still not fixed. Devs just admit you messed up.


give us WOW HC TBC please.
stop catering to purists.

I agree, but let me add this…
the only reason you think its as bad as it is, is because theres a small niche of whiney cry babies…
the rest of us are just enjoying the game as per usual.

The ones that bark the loudest are probably the MINORITY

I am pretty upset that you have changed the classic era game.

Classic Era to me represents a time when Blizzard as a company was full of artists and visionaries that were passionate about making an amazing game. That is why the product is timeless and why thousands of players choose to play this version of the game instead of the more feature rich retail version of WoW.

Making the decision to allow us to play this version of the game was awesome, and your recent commitment to help find and ban bots was highly appreciated. That being said, when you make changes to classic Era it feels like you are desecrating the spirit of the game.

I think the one and only thing that you need to do for classic WoW is to leave it alone. You should be treating this version of the game as a piece of art. The things that you consider bugs (like logout skips) are part of what gives the game character now.

Please consider changing this back. I think that this would be a really good step in starting to earn back the trust that you lost with the player base.

Can you please at least acknowledge us? Is there some reason that the data from the live Classic Era servers cannot be ported back into the original version of the game from before the change or something? Are you even discussing this internally?


they did

thats the problem


Yes, because it sets the precedent that they will be making and are okay with making changes to a game mode that was sold to players as a product that was being preserved as the original.

Classic players don’t want classic changed. Period. It doesn’t matter if it’s for quality of life, balance, or any reason.


Stormrend and Polearms either reverted or bugged at the moment

Might of Stormwind and undispellable buffs were a GREAT change to classic era. Classic era is not like vanilla; it has morphed into a min/max culture. The only people upset about this are horde griefers. IF that is not the case, then take away chronoboons and make pvp honor system decay again.