WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

ROLL this back. This is an abomination.


While we are at it :thinking::

Mana regen for prot paladin and/or taunt


Not sure what happened to this statement.


This one didnt age well either :

“As mentioned during the BlizzConline Deep Dive Panel for Burning Crusade Classic, with the pre-expansion patch, players will be provided the option to play their character on the new Classic era realm just as it was as of the last day before the patch…”


So glad I didn’t get baited into the cloning service to later have the game changed.

Feel bad for the ones that gave them faith though… Honestly is messed up. But hope this is an eye opener for most.

They could careless about you lads.


Yes, This is EXACTLY the issue. Not the druids and polearms or whatever you and others say to minimize and deflect.

You are SO close to getting what people truly dislike but something seems to be mentally in the way of you fully grasping the real issue, a wall maybe.


Ya, I am that guy. But I voted with my wallet and cancelled my accounts. I know I’ll be in the minority, and that’s fine. But they don’t care about posts on the forums or anything else, they only care about money. So they will get no more money from me.


That is exactly what I hope when I say it’s an eye opener.

And yea sadly don’t expect even this to change many minds. Idk how blizzard did it but they honestly had the most loyal fan base. May cry but at least they stuck around.

OSRS right now would be flooded in Fally on 302 lagging their servers with pets/cannons. Till they changed it. And you guys are the criers XD.

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Kaivax, reported for trolling.


When will you learn, Blizzard? We fought for years to get Classic WoW. Nostalrius was created. We argued against the stupid “Wall of No” from other players.

Then, we finally got Classic and it was a huge success. Blizzard finally gave us what we thought we wanted after all.

Now, with these changes, you decide with no notice - until after it’s already done - that we have to accept YOUR changes (and buffs) that NO ONE in Era asked for.

What else are you going to think we want (but we really don’t)?

The purpose of Era is to preserve Vanilla WoW - not to be changed by Cata or Seasonal class/buff/UI features!

Clueless (or arrogant?) devs are assuming these changes are acceptable in Era - they are NOT!!

These changes are an insult to the Era players who sub and pay your salary. You did these changes with NO notice. You are telling me (your paying customer) “you think you want the old guild tab - but you really want the new guild tab.”

Well I don’t want it!!! Take it out.

Don’t tell me “you think you do but you don’t” again - when we have always said, “we do - we just want Vanilla WoW” as J. Allen Brack finally admitted at Blizzcon. Vanilla (and NOT Cata) is our favorite WoW flavor.

Cata and Seasonal have their own servers for these very kinds of changes - keep the guild tab and changes like these on Cata/SoD servers.

Leave Era alone.


Perfectly stated. Kaivax please pass this on up the chain.


Honestly, the way this has been handled and implemented, and based on the original premise of Classic Era Realms “Just as it was as of the last day before the patch” (TBC), it would qualify as a breach of contract. Class action lawsuit anyone? :rofl:


Def treading on that thin ice XD

Though they think they are un-touchable so it makes sense.

A handful of people quitting era which is already very low pop because druids can use polearms really isn’t the threat you seem to think it is.


Yeah… I’m not sure if it fits because of the long ToS that no one reads, but I thought about that too. I don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars to throw around nor am I American so that’s as far as the thinking goes, but there does seem to be a claim on Blizzards end that isn’t being met.

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The guild UI change is just so unacceptable. Really hope this change can be rolled back.


Revert these unwanted changes as soon as possible, please.


Stop trash talking your offline guildies in guild chat :stuck_out_tongue:

the definition of “it’s a feature not a bug”

Activision has WoW running on a skeleton crew who cant be bothered to fix glaring bugs, its sad


Gave us all a reason to quit right as we were coming back to classic era from your other versions. Great patch blizz LOOOOL