WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

Yes (although not the “really just” part), yes, and very much yes IMO.

I not only enjoy the “Vanilla” version of WoW the most, but I haven’t enjoyed the direction that Blizzard has taken with progression Classic for a while and into Cata, I tried to roll with the Classic progression punches and it just was not fun, and I won’t ever go back to it, so my opinion is now that no changes are best.

There is ZERO reason for Era to be changed. It should have just been left alone. TBCC was stated to be #somechanges, not Era. Many of the people who have moved away from the changes versions of WoW, that is now Retail, Cata and SoD, do not want Era to change or continue to change. That’s why there is this reaction, it’s not only about these changes, it’s about any changes. The only thing that I’d personally be fine with is things done to stop things like botting and for user security.

To me, it seems that these devs are more interested in using Classic as a playground and having people praise them for doing a great job than anything else. If someone questions them, or if something does not like their “change everything and use Classic as a playground” direction, then that person is just “being toxic”. :roll_eyes: That’s not the way that a dev team that loved the game or wanted to show respect to OG players would be, but they don’t love the game, they only love their vision of what it could be.


Hm, I understand. Vanilla Classic is supposed to be an unchanging gamespace (save for the Chronoboon if that’s still in Era) and with Blizzard changing something even something small (imo) it’s still nonetheless a change. I understand that if they’re willing to change something that they’ve (,I’m pretty sure) stated won’t change then this is just the beginning of what’s to come.

This might be from Blizzards PoV a good thing they’ve done, alleviating some grief (WB dispells) and adding and WCB equivalent for the Alliance.

But I’m sure that if you keep telling Blizzard you’re thoughts on the changes they’ll revert them.

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Memes aside, Im going to explain the “no changes” camp.

The one thing that all classic WoW players agree on is that classic is an excellent game, some would go as far as calling it a masterpiece. Many of us watched the steady erosion of the game into modern retail, which happened one patch and one expansion at a time. All classic enjoyers agree that its playable as-is and doesnt need any changes.

Certainly some classic players would welcome small QoL changes. Someone mentioned the known evade issues in the open world which are purely frustrating. Some players would welcome fixes for that, UI updates or any number of things. The issue is that not all players want the same things. In fact, players disagree about what changes, if any, would strictly improve the classic experience.

The player base has a long history of being gaslit by blizzard “You think you want era servers, but you dont”. Blizzard took legal actions against private servers after saying that. The latest installment of that happened just now with the flatly ludicrous denial that these changes were unintentional. The changes being unintentional does make it even worse because it shows that changes from retail are leaking into era. Era was intended to be a safe space for people who like era but dislike the state of retail.

QoL changes are what led to the decline of retail, taking all identity out of a quirky team game. Anyone snidely remarking that the slippery slope is a fallacy needs just look at retail to realize how asinine and gaslighty their opinion is.

“NO CHANGES” isnt a dogma about what makes for an ideal version of classic. It is a pact among the players and Blizzard that we wouldnt let the same error ruin classic AGAIN.


Certified Blizzard moment fellas, just leave the small indie company alone


Another angle to look at is, WHY? Why after all this time change it? As well as what is stopping them from changing it again?

If We, the community, don’t take a hard stance against these changes, then Blizzard will feel free to do whatever they like. Classic is something that, while enjoyed and played by thousands, hell maybe even hundreds of thousands, is fragile. Any changes made to the game can really skew things one way or another.

Alliance are already the defacto PvE race. They fair much better in raiding across all metrics. Why give them another world buff, when they already out perform horde in that regard? Paladin and Warriors will benefit IMMENSELY for Rend buff, and will further that gap!

Another change that doesn’t seem as big, but has some implications is the cooldowns on Rend buff and Onyxia buffs. I play on Deviate Delight ( The so-called ‘Fresh’ server) Where late game content is just starting to bloom. Rend dropping was a server event for WEEKS. Anyone on the server would drop what they were doing to come and get their buff. Onyxia dropping? People knew like 3 days out that it was dropping! Everyone was there. We all celebrated. They are still really important community events. But dumbing them down to where you don’t really have to pay attention to when you drop them really degrades that community even as more people get the drops.

A couple smaller changes ( that I want to take a second to complain about) is that spell batching received some changes! Shaman can no longer spell batch a shock after their lightning bolt. Meaning Elemental mastery will no longer proc on both. This is pretty big from a PvP perspective. And has some implications from a PvE perspective as well.

This change wasn’t documented and I am almost entirely sure that Blizzard didn’t know it would be effected. I worry that there will be more and more things like this that come out. Changes that come out of nowhere, that have implications on how we play this game that has stayed (MOSTLY) the same for 20 years


Thanks for trying to understand the sentiments on this thread from Era players.

The problem is that this isn’t just the beginning, Era keeps having changes and many of them have been related to seasons (both SoM and, way more so, SoD). This is because Blizzard decided to put Era, hardcore and the seasons all on the same client and “hide” parts in different versions. With these changes, this is bleed over from SoD that Blizzard didn’t feel like patching out of Era. The changes don’t get reverted after the seasons end either.

So for many, it’s not just about MoS or the undispellable buffs or the druids with polearms, it’s that Blizzard keeps changing Era in ways that they don’t even announce a lot of the time. This does set a precedent for the future too. A lot of people are sick of it.

Another thing, the hardcore servers are pretty unstable right now and people keep dying. Blizzard randomly shuts down the servers without saying anything to patch something for SoD or does live updates and people die. I’m not playing hardcore right now but I understand the annoyance of that.

I do hope that the pushback here makes a difference even in how things will go for the future.


No wonder youre the mvp youre tongues deep in their arses. If theirs is clean just call and can land anotherone


It sets a precedent for sure, and they’re absolutely planning to put more BS in. Read to SoD patch notes -

“Developers’ notes: Inventory space in Season of Discovery is at a premium, but due to the fact the Classic Era client does not yet have the full collections interface that Cataclysm Classic has, we’ve enabled these items to function as toys and be stored in the Keyring as a stopgap solution so that players don’t feel like they have to choose between a fun toy item and bag space. This is not a permanent solution.”

“the Classic Era client does not yet have the full collections interface”


Why is it so hard to leave a unchanged classic server?



Have no idea why you want to do this!


ha got em!

Holy such a waste of TF…

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No mention of log out skips being gone from classic? Can you toggle those back on in HC and ERA? We had hardcore players die thinking they were still working. Why “fix” a bug that’s been around for 20 years? Can you confirm whether or not they will come back or not? I would like them to come back same with most of the community but I wont debate or call you developers names either. Can you just make an official statement/response whether it was intentional to remove logout skip mechanics from era/hc servers and if there is ever a possibility of them coming back?


Make Era Era Again.



Because ERA shares resources with every other version of WoW.

And here’s a reality check, it’s going to keep happening. Blizzard didn’t want to do the work upfront to build a proper client that could handle multiple versions of WoW so here we are. Same reason we don’t have permanent TBC or Wrath servers.


I love how many ppl are mad but can’t give you a reason as to why they are mad.

It’s absolutely hilarious.

Alliance got rend anyways. Displacer stopped all dispelling anyways. Druids dont matter.

Guild UI is a giant “who cares”

Bunch of malding 30 year olds lol

Edit: okay nevermind, the first 5 posts are all 1-2 post characters lol… aka they are all the same person just hopping on alts LOL


One post posters ratio’ing a blue response 180 to 20.

Its not a big deal guys, just go play EraSod 1.15.3. You’re just pretending you dont like it or want it. The troll flamers no one asked to speak for us said so.


Some people like me didn’t even like the post even though we ventured here.

Just stating not everyone will click it. I support it though.

Just keep things the same! There are plenty of new games, but only a couple living old games…


This is the worst set of changes to be introduced to Classic Era–by far–and all should be reverted immediately!


Kaivax, we are awaiting your response and, hopefully, the reversion of these changes. Thank you.