WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

Thank you for proving my earlier point about classic player attitudes, I can now move on from you as this convo is officially going nowhere with those ad hominem.


We literally got a SoD patch for no good reason and youā€™re wrong if you dont like it or want it. Thats the forums for you.

Blizz cant be bothered. At least theyre obvious enough about it that I can make a good decision like quit playing before they cant be bothered again.


Youā€™re welcome, doorknob! Thank you for not having a single good argument as to why these changes were needed, wanted, or had to happen at all.



Its 2024. Guy has over a decade plus history of taking massive Ls on official forums. The amount of shame you have to not have is borderline superhuman.


It definitely is, some of it is trolling.

I know that poster (Deunan) has posted about how much enjoyment he gets from trolling the forums. Guaranteed thatā€™s why heā€™s here as another Cata main.

The thing is that if it were about Wrath RDF, something I never cared about and was respectful enough to mostly avoid discussing, for that poster not having it in the game is game-destroying. For things that others care about it doesnā€™t matter though, and people should just ā€œgo outsideā€. Not that it was ā€œjust a gameā€ to him when he was fuming about his pet peeves. Itā€™s hypocrisy on every level.

Yeah, itā€™s pretty crazy, and you were right about what you said to me about that poster earlier.

Anyway Corpseknife, if you bounce before I post to you again, it was great conversing with you even though we certainly havenā€™t always agreed. /salute


Same. Its been fun.

Ill forget I even played this game in about week. Ill remember our interactions for a little while longer.


Just when I was beginning to enjoy WOW again on classic era, you go and do something like this.


I would like to add my name to the pile. I do not want theses changes. I do not want any changes for Era or HC.

The fact is that the developers do not understand what makes the game fun at all. Keep your experimentation in SoD and MAYBE in another 10 years of testing you will find something you can ASK the community to bring to era. Until you can show the same level of competence and understanding that the original devs had, you do not deserve to be touching Era.


I would LOVE for Era to accurately reflect Vanilla as it was then, spell batching and all. Iā€™ve brought it up before but:


Can you please provide a date when you are reverting these changes, preferably before i unsubā€¦


Thereā€™s also no reason for it not to be a thing, it doesnā€™t affect horde any if alliance can get it now too.

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Seriously druids being able to use polearms makes you unable to enjoy era?

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Youā€™re literally here just to troll. People are unhappy with the changes and theyā€™re entitled to be so. Back to Cata with you.


You mean the designers of the game not putting it in to begin with isnā€™t a real reason not to have it in the game? It was designed that way for a reason, changing it for no reason is dumb.

If you canā€™t see why people would be adverse to changes like this, youā€™re lost

I might go make a Wall of No changes :slight_smile:


When its being forced on a different game and community without their blessing because Season of Discovery and literally no other reason, then yes. Im unable to enjoy it so much I quit.


They are preparing for merging SoD with Classic Era so the sodders can keep their char after server gets deleted.

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Dear Blizzard - Iā€™m not trying to be harsh. I love this company and Iā€™ve loved playing classic era and TBC so much. However, the changes you recently made to this version (classic era) makes me feel as if you have decided to not carry a separate client for classic era for some business reason. Apple rose to prominence out of being creative, innovative, and responsive to their consumers resulting in their ability to gain the market presence they have globally. Intel did the same in the 70s creating vasts amounts of technological feats it was unheard of at the time. Intel made changes that the world was asking for, needing, crying for. Nowā€¦ I go to work. I work a hard job. I go to church. Iā€™m a good member of society, I save, pay my bills on time and I am generous to others and causes. I like playing your games but this change makes me feel exactly the same way you made me feel when you said you were giving up on Heroes of the Storm. There are thousands, possibly even 1 million gamers out there that will play this classic era version of the game until we die IRL. Long term customer base is the best way to make money right? Why not give us classic on a rolling 3 yr. basis into TBC and then keep starting over again after a few years? Having the game the way it was created originally is like watching our favorite Disney movie, unchanged. We all want to continue with you. Enjoy your games. Please give us classic unchanged. Please give us classic on a rolling restart every few years. Dedicate one server to it if you must. If you build it, they will come!


I am so glad to be witnessing the downfall of Classic Era along side you all. It is truly an honor to experience the beginning of the end. Poggers Whitemane gamers. Do a scourge invasion annually we have all been asking for that, or donā€™t, who cares about the veteran player base either way and what they think.

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I donā€™t get it, why are these changes bad? So you can no longer dispell DMT and songflower and Alliance gets a WCB equivalantā€¦ It doesnā€™t sound like bad changes.

Is it really just Vanilla WoW purity that has people so riled up? The fact that thereā€™s changes to Vanilla Era?

Or is it because you think it sets a precedent of more changes to come?