WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

Not the point at all. completely over your head.


I’m curious how many people who don’t actively monitor the forums even noticed or care.

I’m sure they noticed the guild changes but do they actually care or do they like that the new layout works better.

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Can more Cata mains show up and tell me how to like my Classic Era please?


Not sure why you are here bro… Doesn’t look like you’ve been invested in Era at all… Clearly you like the progression and are playing cata and we over at Era love that for you because it doesn’t affect us, the same way this doesn’t affect you as a cata player. Now let us play the version of the game that we enjoy and stand for the things that we care about in that game. Thank you.


I play era sometimes, so I’m fine with positive changes to it. Especially when they are extremely minor and have zero significant gameplay changes.

Oh no druids can use polearms, my vanilla experience is shattered…

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The problem is, little changes build up over time. If you want to preserve a painting, you don’t let 2 million people draw 1 dot on it because they are “minor” changes. the thing would be black after that! It’s not a matter of these changes being terrible in my opinion. its a matter of that fact that if these kinds of changes are aloud to happen in a “museum” of a server that is supposed to be preserved, then they will continue and the game will undoubtedly change. Which is exactly what we DONT need in Era. That is why there are separate, seasonal servers for changes.


This was a poor choice, and you need to reflect on what the community wants, and this is not it.

Shame on you


Era tourist doesn’t main Era so he doesnt care what happens to Era.

Here’s Clyde with the weather…


Ratioed, never post again.


He actually just complains about it usually.

World buffs being dispellable is a huge fun factor that has kept vanilla zones alive for 20 years.

Massive L.


clown show


I’d care if something significant actually happened that would actually change the experience.

Sorry but this doesn’t count.


Undisputed Wall of No post count champion who ironically went on to main classic and all its expansions while telling people in the same contrarian fashion how they should properly enjoy each Classic game every passing day as they progressed hypocritically shows up in a forum he would normally advise against visiting on his Cata main to lecture Era mains on how to think properly which is annoyingly contrary to what he thinks.

Ill put on my surprised face. Im almost out of game time Zir before I quit like some of your friends did over other changes. You should be honored you’ll be one of my final replies on this board.

That’s the whole point my dude. You don’t care. I do. I don’t need you to do my thinking for me, thanks. I can arrive at my own opinions. This change sucks.

See how that works?


Here, king, you dropped these:



What are the issues with these changes?
Or is it the fact that Blizzard is making changes in general to Era the issue?

Genuinely trying to understand people’s views on this.


Yes and yes


Yes that’s exactly what I said I don’t care about these changes because they don’t impact gameplay in any signficant way and are actually generally minor improvements.

Weird how it’s possible to take a more nuanced position than herp derp #nochanges.


Mostly that there are changes at all, when Blizzard made Classic Era they said the server would be as it was the day before TBC Classic released, and now that they are making changes it isn’t. But also, these changes change the game in a way that changes the way the game feels more than it actually changing the game in a major way. Knowing that they are making class changes (like druids being able to use polearms) is extremely worrying, because if they can do that on a server that isn’t supposed to have changes, where will they actually draw the line?


In your opinion. You do understand the difference right? You’re typing out your subjective opinion. Your subjective opinion as a Cata Classic main.

People have a different opinion. You can’t think for everybody. You cant even manage it for yourself for petesakes.

With you it depends which way the wind blows. Like when you were all somechanges for dual specs in TBC but went full nochanges when no RDF at Wrath launch. You just talk out of both sides of your neck - so long its contrarian.

Go back to the Cata forums or better yet the SoD forums. I hear there’s a lot less people posting over there these days due to the massive drop in players. Less competition. Or maybe thats why you’re here, I dunno. Not enough people to argue opinions with.


Well let’s see.

Guild UI changes, pure UI improvements, zero game play impact.

Can’t dispell world buffs, minor improvement for people trying to parse in raids, hardly game changing beyond that.

Alliance got accesss to a world buff horde already have, once again no impact on horde nice improvement for alliance trying to parse.

Druid can use polearms, great so feral has access to slightly more weapon options.

But please explain how era is now fundamentally changed.