You don’t need an ungriefable spot anymore… Back when Argent Cruasders (Now P7) was the only guild, ya it would make sense to be self sufficient… but those days have been gone for a long time. A simple “Hey anyone online with a capper? I can meet you ANYWHERE IN THE BARRENS”… and boom, you got rend.
This “small QoL change” was intended for SoD and since Era and SoD share the same client, it was less work for Blizzard to leave this in for Era too.
In fact, all of this is lazy bleed over from SoD. None of it is about caring about Era players.
Many minor changes just lead to a game that looks and feels nothing like the original. The one that people asked for for years before Classic 2019 was a thing.
Depending on other people is literally the game.
I understand and appreciate the might if stormwind, and i dont think the guild UI really ruins the game. But if you think that changing classes in Era is okay, there is something seriously wrong. Making changes like this are not okay. If youre msking changes like what weapons classes can use, what stops adding new abilities, or hunter pet scaling,etc. In the future? This is a dangerous precident to set. It ruins the feeling of security that players have in Era. Knowing that the game will be around and won’t have an update that will ruin it one day is a major attraction to Era over other games like SOD or retail, or even games like OSRS. Knowing things arent changing is a safety net that a lot of us on Era cling to. Now that safety net looks like it could go away. Please revert these changes.
Back when they tried to blacklist people for WPvPing on a PvP server lol.
While you’re at it let’s go on ahead and remove the battleground matchmaking algorithm that carried over from sod (at p2 launch) and return it back to normal. This F tier low t change has carried over to era too
Nobody asked for that but sod copers and all it did was make BGs dead (from 300+games to 1 every hour) and also made everything worse for solo q thanks
The character and spell animations are honestly the worst offense. It doesn’t even feel like Vanilla. Just feels like level capped Wrath with restored talents and stats.
This would be fine if it was added without removing the guild tab. Why did the guild tab have to be removed?
I don’t think this matters because I don’t think there are any good polearms for any druid spec. But like… Why?
It’s becoming painfully obvious that Blizzard should have maintained Discovery as a completely independent client from Era/Hardcore.
I also have no doubt that they’ve backed themselves into such a corner that untangling the coding mess would be a tall order. I just hope they can prevent future modifications (such as an overhauled Molten Core) from having any appreciable difference on Era.
Or maybe separate Discovery, then fork Era to a pre-Discovery build, and reupdate it to the retail client. That’d be ideal in my opinion.
From a canon. Into the Sun.
So much sudden outrage over these small changes lol
Classic has been modernized and balanced b4 even the very 1st Vanilla classic server went up. This isn’t anything new.
Who cares what some twitch noob wants? They play games while they’re popular and leave as soon as they’re not. The people who matter in Era are the ones that stick around.
They shouldn’t have made any of these changes. Era just isn’t the place for them. I’m not mad about them making world buffs undispellable but they shouldn’t have changed it.
And I think people are more frustrated with the guild tab being removed. Nobody asked for that. Completely unwelcomed change.
I don’t understand what the problem is…only the Horde had an advantage and somehow you are upset that the Alliance gets an equivalent buff?
BTW, if you really wanted a “museum” then they would repeat their mistake of overbuffing the Horde, which caused all of the good Alliance guilds to reroll red.
Ooooh, I see. You want to keep your Horde advantages?
blizz changing batching was a good change. It was only in there because of 2004 server tech demanded it.
They have a few things like that still on era and some they changed. Like honor system, they made adjustments because it was just a placeholder system, back in 2004 they didnt know what else to put that forced MMO gameplay on you but also make it feel like a world at war.
Guild interface is awful. Nobody asked for these changes. Change it back.
I cant like you comment enough. Took the words right out of my mouth.
Please revert the changes and leave era alone forever. You guys did amazing building era and were perfectly on track with a couple different versions for each type of player:
- Retail for standard wow enjoyers
- Classic Season / (eventually + maybe) for people who like some vanilla vibes but get bored
- Era for permanent Vanilla enjoyers / museum
This turns 3 into 2. 2 was already covered and now 3 has no home. Please please revert. I even agree with the no more dispel part (dispel is too easy, getting a kill is cool way to get someones buffs) but it just opens the door to this stuff. The other changes are just wild and out there…
Over all this is not what that group 3 is for. Hope that you can see the light and change back
Leave the game as it was. Blizzard developers are so out of touch with the classic community that they’ve now gone completely off the rails.
If they leave the game as it was, the Horde get OP racials again, repeating their primary error that defanged the Alliance.
Tell you what; this time they need to give those OP racials to the Alliance, to the point it defangs the Horde.
How about that?