WoW Classic Era and Hardcore Patch Notes - Version 1.15.3

Please revert these changes. No one asked for them. Put them in SOD, knock yourself out. But leave era alone…


It started with a idiotic change to the PVP system that literally killed PVP and made everyone a AV PVE high warlord. Now more dumb changes that were unnecessary. It will end with the WoW token coming to a Classic era server near you.

I remember when they said that these servers would forever remain untouched and changed. So much for that. There is a reason nobody wanted changes made to the game and this is precisely why. So when are you going to ban the botters and gold buyers again?

Account sub canceled and hopefully other people do as well. I have no intention staying around to watch the servers turn into the versions of the game that so many people hate.


These changes do not belong in Era. SOD is for stuff like this.


Says the retail player go back to your shadowlands and dragons


Started with boon.

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Yep, no dragons in classic wow.

And the classic community is handling this well. Unhinged stuff

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bootlicker big time!


Please revert these changes. Absolutely no Era players wanted to have a worse Guild Interface and a change to world buffs.


I guess Blizzard never takes it seriously with their promises. The so-called ‘There will be no changes to vanillla WoW Classic Era, Vanilla Classic Era will remain as it is’.

One of the main things that’s unique to Classic Era, Vanilla was that the differences between both factions. Adding a ‘Rend’ buff, or I should say allowing Alliance getting access to Rend buffs so easy essentially disrupts the original state of play, the impact it causes is not the same as changing some in game interfaces.

There’s a reason that a player base stick true to Classic Era and great jobs to those who ever came up with this idea, or to perhaps it was some interns who couldn’t code properly. I suspect Blizzard WoW department staffs and interns never play and knowing the game play intricacies of Classic Era, they have zero clue as it what it truly means with this decision that they came up with.


Alliance Rend & non disppellable Dire maul is good. Druid polearms doesn’t matter.

Guild tab is shambles but I’d much rather have the two wins.

Good job, since everyone seems to be super negative about this.

Giving the players what they need and not what they want.

Please don’t listen to the toxic purists screaming to change it back.


Go play sod if you want ally rend.

Whys it called era if they’re changing it to whatever the heck they want with no input or testing.

This is stupid.


Weak bait, if I’m being honest.


im not all that invested in classic and these changes even make me incensed. gg blizzard let me guess microsoft ordered this change. i hear they like forcing users to do what they want them to do and streamlining to minimize costs. windows 11 “update” went down bad so they doubled down and put it in windows 12 instead. sort of like this “patch notes”. cata classic not doing so good? force everyone else to play the same game. then we’ll make them like it. this change absolutely reeks of having microsofts hands all over it.


A weak opinion perhaps, but its certainly not intended as bait, I am merely giving my feedback, everyone is free to disagree but this is my opinion.

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Please revert log out skips in classic wow hardcore. Farming Manual Crowd Pummeler for druids just became much more painful.

Thats because the only players left in Era are salty boomers who didn’t play much back in the hay day of the streamer servers.

It shows with how much unpleasant replies here who these people are. Threatening to unsub just because chickens and cats can wear a new weapon type and alliance has easier access to a world buff to better have access to raiding.

Oh lets not forget the hate for dispelling world buffs… oh the horror we cant grief raiders outside of MC/BWL on PvP servers.

I just had a hurricane blow through my state watching you idiots cry over changes that would have been welcomed 3 years ago lmfao.


No one wants these changes on era.

I thought the entire point of era was a place for Vanilla/Classic 2019 to live on forever for people that want that. Why have there been so many changes to it that aren’t vanilla?

What’s even the point of era at this stage? You might as well just merge SoD into it after the season is over because it’s clear no one at Blizzard actually cares about era or the players that have faithfully remained on it all these years despite the lack of care and attention.

You are just going to push people back to vanilla private servers, because at least people running those actually care about that version of the game.


Why do you insist on ruining everything that Blizzard once had right?


I genuinely think most people are complaining just to complain. Sure the ui thing might be weird, but it took someone in our guild all of a couple hours to make a thing that shows the old guild tab.

Aside from that most of these changes they have been genuinely positive.

Boons: Prevent people from losing access to their character from days on end.

Pvp Ranks: Notoriously known as one of the worst systems in all of gaming. That leads to unhealthy life styles and people almost killing themselves. Not perfect, but improved now.

Alliance Rend/No dispelling buffs: Just more things that will make life easier with the prevalance of people doing weird nonsense to get buffs. Here its a little easier now.

Dont worry guys. Day in day out its still classic. Youll still kill Rag in 30seconds, youll still have random pvp/ganking, youll still pay a million gold for Gressil.

Just roll with it, and enjoy some of the small little things. That are mostly just trying making life just a little easier for you the enjoy the game <3