Wow classic cost?

No one said anything about single player wow. They made diablo in such way that it always requires internet connection, even for single player mode. Which means they can afford hosting servers just from the money they get from the gamebox alone.

Not really, both overwatch and diablo 3 were one time purchases and you can play with other people as much as you want, why cant classic wow be the same? There wont even be new content for wow classic but diablo 3 and over watch still get new content and still have no sub fees.


Yes that is fine, but the game itself is not ruined, just what you want from it. big difference.

Why not? It’s a chance to make more money and to give back to the playerbase. 15 year old MMO that sets sales records, sells millions of units stilll, crashes its online store due to demand.

oh wait, you aren’t one of those people that think that if WoW had never changed from what you liked it would still have 12 million subs are you? LOL

DIablo is not an MMO,lol, but go ahead, tell Blizzard that you know better than they do what the costs are.


what are you smoking sir? no upfront box cost? i don’t have BFA yet pretty sure its 65$ in the store for the “box” to access BFA.

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And yet 14 year old static content is what you want, according to your other comment. So it’s worth more than new dynamic content would be. Not less.

We agree that the modern game is not worth paying anything for; I don’t get how the problem with going from there to “but old and static!” isn’t obvious.


Hosting servers that run single player game format is much cheaper and near nothing compared to that of hosting massive servers that run the entire game for multiple people.


He’s talking about the base.
You don’t need BfA for Classic just the base sub which there is no box cost for a base account.


pretty sure hes not.

“playing wow has no box cost hasen’t for a while now”

hes not talking about classic

Lets not forget many people did not get to experience that “14 year old content” when it was released. Hell i didn’t even have high speed internet where i live until 2008 nor could i afford the computer back then. Today is a different story so lets not assume everyone played wow pre Cata.

LOl what? you are the one who wants something all to himself.

And its ALL people who sub who get access to Classic and Base WoW, and there will people who do want to play both, just because you don’t want to, does not make that be true.

If its too much money for you, or you don’t think the value is there, that’s all you, but plenty of people do feel that it is worth it, and tons of people have said for years that they would pay anything to play.


But playing wow, not to the final content given, does not have a box cost anymore.

You can make a brand new current WoW account for a friend of yours right now for free. And the only cost for it to be an effective account that would enable access is paying sub, which gives you access to lvl 110. Everything but BfA content.


if you want to play BFA you are paying a box cost, period.

Both diablo and overwatch are mmo’s they both have massive multiplayer audiences in the millions and they have server costs too but that was covered by the initial box price, wow also has that initial box price but also gouges people for monthly money, how is that fair.


We’re on the same page then. I just think he meant that as to access classic which people are arguing about as if classic will have a box cost. It effectively will not. TO play wow to fullest though yes box cost required.

Lol no, neither are MMO’s, sounds really what you want is a pserver, there are still a few out there that you can choose from.

Since you seem to know Blizzards inner workings on how to best run an MMO and what it costs , you need to contact them immediately and tell them how they need to change.

They are not MMO’s.

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I can’t see a box cost for classic happening but a CE option would be sweet. Classic is essentially free its an added bonus to the current. I will only play current to farm gold to play classic.

They are they both have massive communities that can play with each other online.


By your definition Super Smash Bros is an MMO.

Do you see the issue there?

MMO =/= Multi-Player


Its not that much more expensive. Yes, it can get more resource intensive with more people in the same area cross interacting, but its not much of an issue theses days. Hosting prices have came down quite a bit over the last 14 years due to needing less hardware to the same job. With virtualization and clustering they could be hosting all of their games on the same physical hardware, adding/removing resources as required.