Wow classic cost?

Honestly it doesn’t matter what we want… most people would like to pay less for game or to play it for free, for selfish reasons, without considering the big picture that it would likely be bad for the game in the long run. Regardless of this, blizzard does not care. If you don’t want to pay for the game you will not play it. Its that simple. It is that entitled thinking that brought the game to the poor, hack and slash quality game it is now, that has resulted in so many people dropping subscriptions. You are not entitled to play the game, nor are you required to. Pay and play or don’t, your choice. They aren’t going to give it away for free, why should they?
First off, people will pay for the sub, regardless of whether you want to or not. Maybe you are willing to pay $60 one time fee for the game. Someone else is willing to pay the $15/month sub fee. They will cover the $60 you would have been paying in 4 months, and then continue to pay for it after that. There are enough people willing to pay the sub fee that it more than makes up for those who aren’t in the long run.
Which brings me to the second point. Blizzard is a company. The purpose of a company is to make money. More than that, they are a publicly owned company, so they are beholden to the shareholders, and all the shareholders want is money. Blizzard is not going sacrifice the opportunity to make money because some people think its unfair.
Thirdly, they created it, put resources into it and will be paying for the maintenance of the game. For these reasons it is their right to charge whatever they want for the game, regardless of whether you think it is fair or not.
Don’t like it? Don’t play. Simple solution

That’s a matter of opinion and the same could quite easily be said about your response.

It was also a friendly reminder to the poster that if they want others to respect their opinion they should also respect others.

Imagine being this triggered because you dont want to touch a game next to a game.

How fragile can you be.


The content is static but the added costs of things like new server hardware and network infrastructure (including power to run it all) , monthly bandwidth, and extra dev and support personnel are all recurring costs.

They are basically using retail subs to subsidize those costs.

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Thing is no one is paying a 15$ sub for classic they are paying a 15$ sub for actual wow then get classic for Free so no, no one is paying for classic in order to play it so long as they are already paying for the base wow.

You either sub classic and get retail for free or sub retail and classic for free pretty simple.

yeah i have 0 interest in modern wow, but i am perfectly willing to pay the sub for classic wow, therefore am paying sub for classic wow.

I will only be playing Classic WoW on official servers if there is no recurring subscription attached to it. If private servers can sustain themselves on donations and under-the-table gold selling, then Activision Blizzard can certainly profit off of charging players a one-time fee. The only reason why they would charge more is if they think there are enough saps who will pay it just to line the pockets of their executives and investors, not to improve the game.

A subscription means:
-Less of my friends will play
-The ones that do are more likely to quit and less likely to return
-I am obligated to play a single game over any other form of entertainment so I can get the most value out of my money for that month

Why should I be paying a premium to have my experience dampened by that premium? Activision Blizzard can honestly go buck themselves if they think I’m supporting that crap. They’re not actively developing new content for the game like they were back in 2004 and should not be receiving additional money for no additional work.

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I think you just lost a whole bunch of credibility there. Servers and infrastructure and client service cost money, and a business (as opposed to a group of individuals who have chosen to pirate someone else’s IP) exists to make a profit.

Second point - everyone (myself included) have been sitting here for over a year saying “No changes please”. Vanilla included a box purchase price and a monthly subscription.

Don’t cheap out, and be prepared to pay for the service and entertainment you’re going to get from Classic (again) :slight_smile:


That is why they are only charging a sub fee and not a box fee.
The content is free.
The service to play that content costs $15 a month. Same as it’s always been. Which is cheaper when you consider inflation the past 14 years.
You really should read the ToS/EULA.

Again though that is your choice.
If you don’t think the value is there then don’t pay.


How many times are you going to spam this and be debunked every time, you can just shorten it to “I don’t think 15$ is worth it , and I want to play for free”

The only reason why they would charge more is if they think there are enough saps who will pay it just to line the pockets of their executives and investors, not to improve the game.
Well, of course. That's called capitalism. Blizzard didn't become a multimillion-dollar company by selling their product at barely above cost. It's not something new they're introducing just for Classic, and if you were willing to pay for it long enough to get that character to level 86, I'm puzzled that you're not willing to pay for it now for a product vastly superior to WotLK, Cataclysm, or Mop.

Server maintenance doesn’t cost 15 million+ a month to maintain, it didn’t back in vanilla and it’s a lot cheaper to do so nowadays, diablo, overwatch, and many more games can maintain server costs just from the initial box cost.

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1.) No, hence in game purchases.
2.) Slight difference between the tiny servers/population and one for an MMO


Never ever compare the server costs for Overwatch and instanced games like Diablo to an MMO, but you are right that it didn’t cost 15 million a month for server costs.

What it did cost in Vanilla (and up to Wrath) was part of a total operating budget of $50 million per year. That includes server maintenance, payroll, as well as development for upcoming content and expansions.

Maintenance is nowhere near $50 million a year, and I’d expect current development is not dissimilar.

Just imagine how much of the 2 billion a year Blizz (approximate earnings based on the near 12 million subs, not including the expansion earnings) was getting at the end of Wrath was pure profit.

If i add up the cost of all the basic editions, collector’s editions (including Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, etc. for digital goodies), game guides, world atlases, lore books (Chronicles, novels, comics, etc.), TCG cards and even figs from the WoW Minis game, as well as things like shirts, plushes, BlizzCon tickets (plus travel to/from, hotel, etc.) i’m looking at around $5k over 10-ish years. and that’s not counting the cost of game time or things like name changes, faction changes, or digital-only things like pets/mounts.

and i regret exactly NONE of it. i enjoy the game so i pay for it. when it stops being fun, i stop paying for it. pretty simple math.

if you don’t want to pay for it, don’t. just means you won’t be playing the game. i don’t want to pay for HBO so i don’t watch Game of Thrones. pretty simple.


You can stream GoT on any one of 100 sites for free. It’s not only the most watched series ever but also the most streamed by non hbo subs.

you know that you get it for free right? so there is NO box cost for Classic, but you need an active sub - which you also needed back in those days as well.

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Lol, I guess you won’t be playing then, huh?

Talk about entitled lol


Did you miss all of my other posts were I said I would rather have a box cost than a sub cost? Did you miss the ones were I said I refused to pay for any more subs and that I would only ever get buy to play games?

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