I get both sides of this issue. It’s a little contentious. The blue post stating that “Blizzard can see your metrics,” isn’t really enough for many players, since we are still paying the same sub. Where does the money for WoW Classic subs go? It doesn’t matter that Blizzard is aware we are playing WoW Classic if our subscriptions are supporting retail development while they leave Classic to stagnate over time.
It becomes a question of - what do we want out of the future of WoW Classic? Do we want Classic forever? Until everyone is level 60 with Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of The Windseeker and there’s 2 people on each server? Do we want a natural progression of Classic -> TBC -> WoTLK through timed content? Do we want Blizzard to put money into developing content true to a Classic framework?
I understand why they’re doing it - I have no problem paying for it. But it’s like paying taxes. I don’t know what they’re doing with that money and what we get out of the deal. We had to pay for the game in vanilla - because that money supported development of the game we were playing. Aside from nominal costs going into GMs/support staff, and server blades, I don’t see where the rest of that money will be going. Paying for WoW Classic now isn’t the same as it was when classic was retail.
Granted this whole thread is wild speculation. We don’t know how much money WoW Classic will bring in, how many people will subscribe only for it, how much traffic will go to and from retail, etc.