Yes as a combined sub you will have the option to play either one. You notice how they have never mention Diablo as a server option?
Also as previously pointed out they have said multiple time that they do no want to manage 2 mmo’s
You can deny it all want they have always alluded to a combined sub.
Don’t know about that but I can easily see Activision pushing for one sub for all of blizzard games. Kind of follows suit with “seasons” for a lot of Ubisoft games and others
As do I and I also pay 15 a month for swtor and it has a free option.
So I can for a fee I don’t want to pay have access to content I don’t like in addition to “free” classic. Also no its not the same fee as it was when wow was 1st a thing, a 2 month time card back then was 35$ it is now 45-50$. Still a horrid price for what is actually offered.
No it’s not, but if you don’t want your analogy used against you, don’t use one so easily flipped on you.
So is it your position that some one is not allowed to advocate for their own opinion even if it’s against what a company has said that they are going to be doing? Because that’s the impression I am getting from you.
Yes, because I was never talking or advocating for Classic to be free, so the only reason to bring it being free up is if you’re trying to pin that on me.
looks Nope, you’re not a blue. Pretty sure you don’t know why Blizzard makes any of its decisions and you’re making an assumption here.
Funny you should mention this. If you think companies don’t do things that “hurt” their bottom line because it helps them in other areas, you’re fooling yourself. YouTube costs Google, Billions of dollars a year, but yet YouTube is still up and running.
You’re right I won’t, because I only speak for myself.
Already said that I would be okay with a $15 dollar sub for Classic only, but that’s just me.
Okay yeah, lets go with $10. Now lets suppose there are 200,000 players who won’t play because they can’t just sub to Classic, or because they think the price is too high for a game they expect to be static, or they think the game is old so they shouldn’t have to pay the full $15 for Classic, pick a reason. That’s not a $500k loss for Blizzard. That’s $2 mill loss.
Would love to, but every time anyone deviates from “You must pay $15 for both games and can’t just sub to 1”, we get people like you who come in shouting as loudly as possible to try to convince people it’s a bad idea. Most of you don’t even care to have a legitimate discussion on the topic. So many “You don’t have to play.” “Or you can just play Classic, what’s your problem? This is obviously such a good deal for you.”
Yeah, it’s almost like people have their own sense of value.
You notice how Diablo is it’s own game and a completely different genre to WoW. One is a MMO and the other is an Online Multiplayer. So by all means, continue to believe the way you want. I won’t tell you you’re wrong, just that you’re interpreting the information the way you want.
Well we all know Activision is a bunch of money grubbers.
That’s great. You completely missed the point of why I brought up my sub to FFXIV.
And you completely glossed over that it wasn’t my analogy in the first place. Just like you skimmed over everything else to make shallow arguments filled with nothing substantial except sarcasm.
Sorry, but that is not how business views non-buyers. Ultimately, businesses like Blizzard operate on their actual income. It’s what pays the bills, and is the actual amount that they are making.
“Potential income” is what you describe as the 2 million. They are making the $1.5 million, and they are losing 500k by switching those 100k to a $10 sub from $15. It’s money left on the table. And really, Blizzard isn’t afraid of not getting $2 million from people who weren’t giving them that money in the first place.
Classic is simply not going to lose Blizzard money, as they be spending very little on it. Classic is using the same engine as retail, the same architecture, as all the old content is being wrapped onto the new software. Are they buying new servers? Maybe? But as many have noted, servers these days don’t cost that much as they did in 2005.
Everyone who talks about “paying the bills” overstates how much it actually takes to run a company like Blizzard. It’s all about their profits. Blizzard literally has made enough money to keep Classic and Retail servers on without ever charging a sub again for the next 20 years, but that isn’t what the company itself is looking at.
And they’re not going to change that if they’ve been successful. And they are. And continue to be successful. Even if people here think they’re a failure because they aren’t as big as they were in 2010.
If you’re too blind to see what is right in front of you, then let’s illuminate what Blizzard is doing.
Blizzard gives away games and free content - Starcraft, Destiny 2, all of the WoW expansions up to before the latest expansion (accessible with nothing but the sub), Chapter 1 of Starcraft 2 - the sheer amount of free content being given to you is their expenditure, and the sub is their actual income. Expansion sales pay for themselves, and is used as a reason for players to keep paying for the sub.
What? You don’t think that game companies don’t spend money to make money, either? Microsoft sells every Xbox at a loss, because that’s not the moneymaking part of the business - the games and “live services” are where they make their money.
Blizzard gives away games. Their income is the sub.
And your viewpoint is one of many, it’s certainly not the most important when you consider many others. I’m taking many other viewpoints into consideration.
And really, your inability to see a larger picture is why your notions of your individual worth are so grossly inflated. I’m not a blue, and I don’t have to be a blue to see what Blizzard is up to.
Nothing here but sarcasm. Do you have a point to make? Other than you think your dollar means more to a big business, who, honestly, won’t miss you if you decide to leave.
And that’s the honest truth, companies aren’t invested in an individual need, they are interested in casting as wide a net as possible, and catching as many as they can.
Whether it was yours or not, you still used it. So don’t pretend to be offended when it’s flipped on you.
And they could be making 3 million by taking that 500k loss from the Modern player base and bringing in that 2 million from the players they wouldn’t have other wise. If you think businesses like Blizzard don’t look at things and go “How can we get more people to play/buy our goods and services” I think you need to step back for a minute.
You’re right. And they’re clearly not concerned even if they lost money on it, because it’s bringing players back. While I doubt it’ll drop down to 10 people playing, pretty sure it’ll easily sustain 10k+ players for years upon years to come.
I’ve never once brought up this topic. I am aware Blizzard needs to turn a profit over all in order to continue to operate. Always imagined their yearly expenses to be in the millions for just employees alone, let alone everything else they have to maintain and produce.
Have to buy StarCraft to play StarCraft. Yes they update the game, but you still had to buy it to play it. And if they’re offering it for free now, I want my money back because I paid for it when they released the remaster of it and the original version.
Not actually a blizzard product.
All of those expansions had millions upon millions of players buy them previously. This also brings us back to YouTube. Offering those expansions for “free” with just the sub, may be a loss for them, but it helps them in the end by enticing people to buy the latest expansion.
I’m well aware. Why else would they be making Classic? They know it’s going to bring back hundreds of thousands of people.
Never said it was. Never implied it was. Only ever claimed to speak for myself. You on the other hand and people on your side of this argument have claimed to speak for Blizzard many times without actually being part of Blizzard.
I love this assumption. “You’re just this narrow focused moron, so obviously you don’t know what’s going on. But me, I can see the big picture, so I know exactly what’s going on.”
Yes it’s sarcasm because you brought up that some people would pay more for Classic. It has nothing to do with what Blizzard thinks of any of us and everything to do with the fact that everyone has their own sense of value and some think that playing Classic is worth more than $15 a month. But I’m sure a big picture thinker like you knew that.
You’re right. 1 person means 0 to a big business like Blizzard. But at the same time, that doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to advocate for my position.
I am looking at this objectively, you are not. Remember? You’re speaking only for yourself? The person who wants the reduced sub cost because you think you’re worth more to them than the retail players? Or what? You’re not going to pay?
The balance is that Blizzard has no real reason to reduce the sub cost for Classic other than that some people, like yourself, won’t pay the original sub price. People are going to find some reason to not pay.
You say they could be making 3 million? Do you think there are 300k looking to jump to Classic? How about millions of players? And how many of them are willing to pay $15 anyway?
Blizzard doesn’t need everyone back, they’ve already said as much, remember? Again, Blizzard won’t compete with itself. They have no intention of managing two MMOs. As long as they have the retail playerbase, the Classic playerbase is free to be as big or as small as it organically will be.
Your only issue is that you just want Classic. How much is that worth to you? Less than a retail sub, as you say. But you speak only for yourself, remember? If you strip retail away, surely Classic must cost less, is that what you’re implying?
As I said before, some people will never be happy to pay the sub, and just play Classic.
It’s been completely free since the remaster was released. So has Starcraft 2’s Chapter 1 (and if you already had Chapter 1, you got Chapter 2 for free). Destiny 2 is free - Activision wormed Destiny 2 onto the Blizz launcher, so Blizzard just gave Destiny 2 away for free.
World of Warcraft and every expansion up to Legion no longer has a box cost, and is available today with a sub. Heck, if you want to play, the Starter version is free up to level 20 for unlimited play time. No sub whatsoever.
Funny. I said I was willing to pay $15 for just classic, but clearly I think I am worth more then the modern players. And just because I want something and am advocating for something more then 1 person wants, doesn’t mean I am speaking for anyone but myself. I’ve also said, the sub is not what makes or breaks my decision to play, doesn’t mean I can’t want a Classic only sub. I’ve also said that I am okay with the bundle still being a thing and even letting modern players have an option for modern only.
Yes, some people (not me) don’t want to pay $15 to sub to Classic wow. The reasons are varied. Doesn’t make it an invalid view to want an option for Classic only.
I guess you didn’t understand so let me break it down. Say from your example they make a Classic only sub at $10 a month. The lose 100k players from modern wow to Classic, a 500k loss right? But because that that $10 option brings in the 200k players from my example. So now they have 300k players playing classic. That’s 3 mill from subs.
And before you make some excuse about how this wouldn’t be the case. You made up the 100k figure first and then I made up the 200k figure of players who wouldn’t play without a cheaper Classic sub.
You keep saying this. I’ve said on numerous occasions I’m fine with it being $15 for Classic only. What other people think it’s worth is on them. I even said $15 in my first response to you. The $10 sub was from your example not mine. So please stop trying to say I’ve said something I haven’t.
Did you mean some people will be happy to pay the sub and play Classic? I think that’s what you meant. That’s how I’ll respond to it.
Yes, I am aware. As I said earlier, the sub is not what it going to make or break my decision, but that doesn’t mean I can’t want a classic only option either.
No it wasn’t. I had to pay for it.
Went to the page with no account info on it. “Buy Now” inside a big red button.
I never disputed this claim as I believe it to be true. Still pushing back to the YouTube argument. A company taking a loss on something to make a profit on something else, is totally a thing.
See my previous statement. Also as I said in my last post, millions upon millions of people bought each of those expansions when they were relevant.
But it’s not. I’m looking at my launcher right now. Destiny 2 and in the big blue button it says Buy Now. I think they made it free for like a weekend, but I didn’t have any interest in it so I didn’t get it, but it’s totally not a free game. They may update it for free, but the game itself is not free.
It was a blizzard gift. You only had so long to claim it.
Check your bnet app.
Oh right. I remember seeing that now. Still no interest in the game so I didn’t claim it.
Sorry, there’s plenty of people willing to pay more, and Blizzard is concerned with the $15 and above bracket. That’s more than enough for them.
There’s millions of potential customers, how many of them are willing to pay more than $15? Blizzard is and always has been banking on that. I see more people willing to pay more than that for Classic than I do see hoping for a reduced cost.
If you say 300k brings in 3 million at $10. Let’s go back to my original example, and say the 100k retail players still pay $15. They’re at $1.5 million. Let’s say only half of the people you think will come back for Classic, and they pay $15 - you’re at $3 million. If 300k pay $15? 4.5 million.
More people does not mean more success.
Just look at League of Legends. More than ten times the players of WoW at its peak, and only in 2017, are they reaching the amount that Blizzard was making in 2010, with the vaunted “12 million subs”
Yep, it was free. Like I said, Blizz gave it away.
As for Starcraft, no, you never had to buy the Remaster to get Starcraft for free. Not since the Remaster, and you can look around the net for that.
Oh, like repeating my restaurant line back at me? Again, we’re right back to where I started with saying what’s the point of Classic being separate if it’s the same cost as Retail? You probably won’t have to download the Retail client to play Classic.
Will you not be happy if you get both, but only play Classic? That seems to be the salient point.
The 200k people in my example were people who wouldn’t play without the cheaper sub. It was an example of made up numbers like your example was. But to be fair to you, there could easily be an addition 200k people who would come back and pay the $15 for the bundle. That has no bearing on the 200k who would refuse to play it for $15.
I mean, you’re not serious right? I literally linked the official Blizzard StarCraft Remastered site. If you go there without being logged into your account, right in the middle of the main page, it says Buy Now.
And as I said, I bought it Remastered as soon as it was released. Bought it, as in paid money for, from the official Blizzard website for it.
The difference is, even though you admitted it wasn’t originally your analogy, you still used it as you thought it was a good analogy.
But since you’re so fond of analogies lets do one together.
You go to the store to buy something. At the check out the cashier hands you a pile of crap. You tell the cashier you don’t want. The Cashier tells you, sorry it’s mandatory with every purchase, but comes at no additional cost. Are you still happy with the purchase? I bet dollars to donuts you’d throw the crap in the first trashcan you came across. Sure you got everything you wanted, but you didn’t want or need the crap they forced on you, did you?
And, again, Blizzard doesn’t care about those who refuse to pay the $15. $15 brings a lot of entertainment for a month, especially for one version of WoW, but two versions? Even moreso.
See, this is where you lose the page.
Yes, and that’s for the Remaster. You never had to buy the original. Blizzard promoted the Remaster by GIVING away the original Starcraft, Brood War included. You can look around yourself and see that they promoted the game this way.
And anyone today can load up the Blizz app and download the original Starcraft, no strings attached.
I’m getting everything I wanted. You’re the person who is getting something extra for free with your purchase, and is mad about it.
If you don’t like Retail, great, you don’t have to use it.
Except in this case you dont get even get handed anything, its more like they point at a picture of the crap, and tell you"you can take this if you want, or leave it here forever",since you aren’t required to download/install the version you don’t want at all.
In my analogy you aren’t required to take the pile of crap home either. Just it’s handed to you and it’s now at your digression on what to do with it. You can throw it away and never think about it again, but it was still handed to you.
Pretty big difference between “These things are optional add-ons” and “These things come together no matter what even if you don’t use or want one of them.”
Not its not, you are not required to do anything with the version you don’t want, don’t have to download, don’t have to install it, all you have is the option to do those two ,as it never touches you unless you take it.
ot–trouble sleeping or night shift?
Regardless of what you think of the analogy. Still a big difference between “This is an optional add-on to your purchase” and “These two things come together no matter what, whether you use or want one of them.”
put the analogy aside and talk plain, what I said is exactly how it is. Though to touch on it, nothing is handed to you,just the knowledge that you can take the version if you want, you never touch it until you want to.
So yah the other version is completely optional, if you don’t want it, it essentially doesn’t exist to you unless you download and install it.
Spin it how ever you want. The wording was very clear. “Classic is free with a subscription to World of Warcraft.” This means in no uncertain terms, whether you touch modern wow or not, you still have to be subscribed to it. Whether you download it, or look at it, or even touch it, you’re still subscribed to it. There is no option to be subscribed to one or the other. The WoW sub will come with access to both. Quite literally “You have to have one to have the other.” Well I don’t want the other.