Wow classic cost?

um ok, so you think they could just drop the old code in BOOM we have servers?

But no, they did not lose anything,lol.

If you would properly read a dev water cooler where they state they have proper backups then you wouldn’t post such things.

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This isn’t really how it works. I’m going to have to assume you have no experience with coding. Personally, I’ve only dabbled in it for fun… But code gets old, operating systems and hardware advance and change… Things don’t just stay in the same state always ready to play.

There are a lot of older games that just don’t run on newer operating systems anymore, or run very poorly or take a lot of fiddling with.

Regardless of all of that - running 15 year old code on 15 year old hardware just wouldn’t happen. At some point, even if they’d never created an expansion, the code would have changed and morphed, the server hardware and software would have been upgraded and you’d still have a very different looking system behind the scenes, even if to the user it looked exactly the same. Hardware gets old, things need to be upgraded to handle more players, more things going on in game… Software becomes old and people find holes in it to exploit, so it needs to be upgraded and fixed…

I would suggest googling around a bit on why what you’re expecting isn’t realistic, because there are some videos and blogs that really explain it quite well.


That’s not what they said when nos offered to help get them running classic again.

yes they told them they did not lose the code,lol.

No they said that they didn’t have the old code for it anymore and it was un recoverable.

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this is what i remember them saying

You didn’t get a quote from Blizzard saying they lost the code. You heard a rumor on the internet.

Huge differnce

um no, they did not say that, they were asked if they had lost the code and Blizzard told them no.

Yeah I actually tried to find the quote of Blizzard saying they lost the code because it was something people included in the wall of no for years, but I can’t find anything from Blizzard saying it.

It seems to just be something somebody made up at one point, and people believed them.

No they were asked if they actually had the code and bliz said no

check the watercooler posts

If you take the statement in full context. They code could not be run on their modern infrastructure in it’s outdated state. AKA unrecoverable.

This entire project is recovering it.

Very different than “they lost the code”

lol incorrect, you have a quote I assume?

Feel free to source your statement then.

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Before expansions were announced, there were content patches. “Expansions” turned out to be vertical entities that rendered vanilla endgame content optional to progress past.

You’re deflecting. If people were paying for the game then, even BEFORE big content patches like Naxx or AQ, it was still a mostly static game, and Blizzard has to pay their employees.

So forums should be nice little echo chambers?

I’m noticing a disturbing trend with your posts. Instead of listening to what people are trying to tell you, you keep trying to argue back with them, even if what you’re saying isn’t true.

I suggest you stop being so defensive and try to listen to what we’re all telling you. Google things like “why can’t blizzard use old code for classic” and try reading some articles on various sites from the last few years.

This entire conversation is very unproductive, though, because you’re not actively engaging in the conversation, you’re just ignoring the points and continuously arguing with fallacies.

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That fact anyone is still arguing with this guy is astounding in its self. This whole thread has been about Iron not wanting to pay a sub fee lol.

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