WoW Classic Content Unlock February 12

Best part of this announcement is…

The Blackwing Lair attunement quest, “Blackhand’s Command”, will become available on all realms tomorrow, Friday, January 10.


Then make your own private server where MC can last forever. This is business 101 my friend. I could USE pieces from MC as well, but I certainly don’t NEED them to do BWL, and there just isn’t a lot to do in Classic right now. Farm Honor, Farm gold, PvP, 3 hours of raiding.


Nothing is stopping you or your guild from continuing to farm MC. It will be even faster once you get some BWL gear. You certainly don’t need a full T1 set to do BWL, as it’s much more of a strategy/teamwork check than a gear-check.


how did you come to classic? from retail, or from a private server?


Thanks for the update, Kaivex.


I came from retail. I played vanilla but only ever leveled. I hit 60 2 days before TBC came out. I then played every xpac thoroughly until WoD.

yeah i figured. the people who are maining classic will be playing regardless of what content is out or not at any given time. you’re a retail player with a retail mind set. which is fine, you’re just playing the wrong game.

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Lmao I’m glad you decided to find my specific post just to post some hate…you definitely use your time wisely

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Well there you go.
Rushing content out of the game because MUST PLAY, MUST HAVE THINGS TO DO as a mentality needs to stop, just like the mentality itself.
I heavily doubt you have epic mount, tons of gold stashed, all your pvp items, all your bis, tons of consumables stashed, engineering double leveled and maxed cooking/first aid/fishing to say you have no content left.


i like that in classic it’s decent gold to GRIND mobs and skin them and make items to vendor. there’s no point doing that in retail. i love to grind so it having a purpose is actually fun to me. that’s what a game is supposed to be about, being fun. not rushing through content and then complaining on the forums that you’re bored.

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Just like your mentality of the company needs to slow down and not do what is probably best for the majority of their players and their own business needs to stop EH? I haven’t done everything on that list but I also don’t care to do everything on that list.

So they can go down the rabbit hole that is retail again, great solution.

Feel free not to, but then don’t complain you don’t have enough to do when you’re ACTIVELY CHOOSING to not do things.


I have my epic, 1600gold stashed two stacks of flasks, 5 MC epics and my mage robes. Fairly decent pvp gear and currently ranking up to r7…all this on about 4 hours a night average

I’ll never cook or fish in a game after OSRS…

And engineering is not for me personally.

So yeah I’m welcoming BWL with open arms.

Additionally I’m welcoming all of the minor dune gowns being viable content again with the DMF cards dropping. For example the ACE of beasts can only be found in UBRS so now that may be run occasionally for fun

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Do you realize this is about as much time BWL had from EU release to BWL release?

Think about this for a second.

EU had 5 months for BWL. The USA had functionally 8. But people leveled a lot faster. MC wasn’t cleared for over 6 months in original wow. It was cleared in 5 days in Classic.

Following the exact content release from original WoW is foolish and dumb.


Please push forward the release of AB and BG weekends. Trust me, it will help.


This started with you complaining that you don’t have two pieces of gear and BWL is coming out. What. A. Troll. You can still get that gear. The fact of the matter is not everyone enjoys content to the point of getting EVERY SINGLE piece of gear before new content is out. If you don’t like it you can quit. If I don’t like it I’ll quit.

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Most people won’t have every single drop they want from MC before BWL is released. This is fine. This is exactly what happened in Vanilla. Unlike retail, the previous raid isn’t obsolete the minute the next one is released. Every single guild farming BWL, will be clearing MC every week for those rare items like ToEP, BRE, Bindings, Cauterizing Band, Mana Igniting Cord etc. They will be doing so well into AQ most likely.

I don’t know what to tell em Flip…


They wont be.
I think you know why too

Not much to say. These decisions are almost purely money driven, like the release of Classic in the first place. Chances are the majority of people are getting bored and that’s why they’re releasing new content. If they don’t like it they can go play on a private server.

what will you do once you have naxx on farm?

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