WoW Classic Content Unlock February 12

Hope they release TBC or find another game to play when I ultimately get bored. Seems like an obvious answer.

and you think the game should cater to you above the people who will play indefinitely because this is their favorite time in wow? lawl.


I never said cater to me above others. You made that up. I think they should do whatever makes money for them. If that means make a server where people can stay 60 forever and it’s profitable for them: GREAT! Generally though, people like change in their games and it’s why I would expect them to release TBC eventually and why I assume they’re releasing BWL now.

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I hope they rush it a bit more, that way we can have wotlk as soon as possible.


this is what you said. how would you like it if a bunch of people spammed go back to retail to you because of your thoughts? it’s not polite regardless of who is doing it.


Okay sorry I offended you my guy. I guess you could write a strongly worded letter to the president of Blizzard convincing them there’s a market for a stay-60-forever server.

you do realize vanilla only private servers were the vast majority of private servers and that’s why you got classic and not tbc or wrath or something, right? and why NEW FRESH is a private server thing. (i learned about that on this forum.)

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Why was my post deleted about the WSG Exploiters?

Farm it on another character or work on speed runs. At the rate we are going, Naxx will be released 18 months after launch, and it will be a while before people have all the gear they want form it. Not to mention, all the people that are upset of the perceived rushing of content will have all the time in the world to get to Naxx and finish it. The game isn’t going anywhere at that point.

I’d ask you in return, how long should the life cycle of Classic be? Two plus years seems good enough to me.

We got Classic cause they knew they could make a quick buck off it on a very large scale. These servers are so much more packed than private servers ever were. When the profits start to dip they will release content. That’s just how businesses work my man.

Where’s my pants?

You complain alot.

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You wear pants?

What the hell is everyone’s fixation with pants?
Be free, go pantsless, it’s fun!

Where’s MY Pants?

Why the hell would you even think that they will get rid of Classic servers when TBC comes out ?


Great timing!

a moment of silence for everyone in BRM… its gonna be a bloodbath tomorrow

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AQ when?


Honestly this is great news, im 6/8 on tier gear but MC was honestly becoming a little stale at this point, was really only coming online to raid for a chance at my tier dropping and then logging off till next raid time, but this announcement gives me a reason to log and do something (farm more gold, Flasks, Consumables, jujus, etc). Thxs Blizzard :slight_smile:

Rank 14 available for hundreds of players on every server before BWL even releases. Kind of sad tbh.

6 months between major raid releases (not including ZG) means Naxx 2021.
