WoW Classic Characters Missing - Ticket #US99662324

Hi All,

I’m hoping someone here might be able to help me out a bit quicker than the ticket system which is taking about 15-20 hours between replies which haven’t been overly helpful.

After taking a break from late 2020 until now when I log into either WoW Classic or Classic Cataclysm all of my characters are gone. I cannot see them on any server, i’ve tried creating a new character, clearing cache etc and cannot see them on any server.

Back in 2020 all my characters were on US West - Thunderfury.

Open ticket number in thread title if that helps.

Appreciate any assistance here! Thanks!

Usually that means your launcher has defaulted to a different license than the one you previously played on.

Above the play button is a drop down menu that allows you to switch between your available licenses of the different game clients.

You might fiddle around with those and see if that clears the issue up.


Thanks for the reply!

Unfortunately I don’t believe that is the issue here, I have tried looking on all versions (WoW Classic & Cata Classic), on both licences I have and I can’t see the characters on any combo of the above.

In Cata, check Sulfuras. I had to double check, but I think Thunderfury was consolidated, along with a lot of then TBC servers when WLK came out.


You’re a lifesaver!!! Fixed in 5 minutes what I’ve been battling for 2 days!

Thank you so much - was showing no characters for the server but once I clicked on it they all showed up.

Much, much appreciated!!!


First thing, characters were automatically progressed to Burning Crusade, then Wrath, and now to Cata Classic. You had to make the choice to leave them in the vanilla era. So your characters should be in Cata Classic.

Have you actually logged into the realm, or are you looking at the realm list and seeing 0 characters? If you’re just looking at the realm list, then you need to log into the actual server (even if it says 0) and see if they populate.

Edit: Faster than I could type! Welcome back!

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Thank you as well!!! Not sure how the solution was so simple but has taken multiple days of copy/paste ticket answers.

Forever grateful for the quick solution here!!

Thanks again!