WoW Classic Character Transfer Temporary Closure -- April 30

You really have a habit of resorting to ad-hominem attacks when you have nothing to say on topic. I’ve seen others commenting upon this, too, in another thread.

You may want to think on that.

Coming from someone whos adding no constructive advice or criticisms but instead just trolling on forums via their low level alt character, you’re the last person to give advice on what someone may or may not want to think on.
Look in the mirror pal, I bet it’s very similar to the character you’re posting from.
Also the original opinion and discussion was made, you’re just adding nonsense in the form of childish quips.

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Thanks for making my point.


Likewise. :heart:

Blizzard, in the future I hope you put pertinent information like this in the Launcher, a lot of people don’t visit the forums as much as they used to or miss threads like this. I was going to transfer a character today and found I just missed the window by about 30 hours. I wanted to transfer to play with some friends who needed help with their Naxx raid but am now locked out of it for several weeks. If this was in a notification banner or just a regular story on the Launcher I would’ve seen this before it was too late.


I think it’s a little ridiculous that Blizzard didn’t put a notification at character select.


Damn just went to xfer to play with some old friends before TBC launched and seen this wish this info would of made it to like the blizzard client or something, idk why need to stop xfers when snapshotting isnt going through yet i could picture it after

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Open up transfers! This is inhumane! No more closed boarders! We seek asylum!


Any chance we can get a timing update, based on today’s announcement?

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So when are transfers getting opened back up?

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Need to unlock transfers soon…

Would like to be fully ready to go on our new realm before TBC fully launches. Please give us an update.


open the gatesss!


Let us transfer, lift the cooldown.


Any news on when we can transfer again? Would like to get off high-pop before 10 hour queue’s xD.



Not to overstate the “wish we would have had more of a heads up” trend, but as someone who came back after a decade of not playing once they officially announced TBC, I would have really like more of a heads up about not being able to transfer characters.

An example of how effective information could and should have been given was, 1 officially announced pre-patch and/or TBC date, 2 properly announcing classic character transfer hold dates i.e. announcement bulletins in launcher, 3 then do the freeze on character transfers for before TBC.

There is datamined dates and leaks yes, but personally I do not like doing anything until there is official notices because things can change and be delayed. Therefore, I wait for official word. I have been only back for a handful of months, leveled a 60 and have found some of my old friends from years ago on different servers. We wanted to all transfer to the same server and play TBC like we did in the past, but some were already in raiding guilds and some were still leveling so we were waiting for something official. Now that there is something official, we cannot prepare to reunite because classic character transfers are down. Now runs the issue, do we level characters on the destined server we all are transferring to where some of us have little to nothing, do we wait putting us behind on raiding/preparing, or do we just level on the servers we all are currently on because that is where we have the most personal resources?

At the very least you could give us some form of timetable on when classic characters will be able to transfer, before or after prepatch, shortly after TBC officially launches on June 1st. Either way please get back with us.



Will they let people xfer from pve to pvp in TBC?

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Hope you will open PVE to PVP transfer

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Any update on this? I missed the window to transfer and I was wanting to transfer my main back to my friends server before pre patch so we can all play together…


Another request for an update, please. We’re one week out, and I’d really like to transfer one of my characters before the 18th as well.