WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

Strawman. Care to rephrase?

I’ll rephrase it when you explain how it’s a strawman, because between you and Deathkoil I’m beginning to think you guys don’t know what one is.

Great. Now can we push back pre-patch or tbc release 2-4 weeks?

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Does this mean the bundles will be discounted too?
Need to know if I can afford to upgrade now

You aren’t talking about my presented example. You are changing the situation of my presented example. Either provided a better analogy of your own or address mine directly.

It doesn’t upgrade anything. It’s just a small amount of gold, some pointless cosmetics saves you a week or two on leveling and costs more than a full priced retail game.

This is what I’m wondering as well. It’s all perceived value overall, but I think it makes sense to lower the price of the Deluxe as well given that the overall value is now reduced, even if it’s perceived…

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That’s not a strawman. A strawman is an overexaggerated or massively warped argument to counter someone’s original argument which you then attack that argument instead of the original one.

Me saying your argument is unrealistic is not a strawman. In fact it’s already directly countering your argument like you want me to because cars really only get repo’d because people don’t make payments on them. There is no $5k drive it service fee that exists anywhere so you just made up a blatantly unrealistic argument and I pointed that out. Again, that’s not a strawman.

Also last I checked I was the one who presented you with the question on if you buy a car for $25k and take it to the dealer you don’t expect a free oil change. And your response was:

You are the one strawmanning here, not me.

is the ptr character forever? or does it deleted from time to time?



Also, ty Blizz!!!

Do you mean like this?

I clearly stated in my analogy that the $25,000 was given.

By your own definition my dude.

I’m actually curious what the goal is.


Since you’ve reconsidered this, how about allowing us to boost Blood Elf/Draenei classes that we all ready have 60’s of in other races since we don’t need the training wheels of the leveling process and have demonstrated that we know the class at least well enough to get to 60 since we don’t have race change services in Classic.

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I just want to say “thank you” to all the people who made it possible. Good work :clinking_glasses:

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Dude, lol.

If you bought the car outright there’s no reason for them to repo it. You’re going to have title to it and it’s literally yours at that point, they can’t actually repo it to begin with. There’s no $5k fee out there, or any fee for that matter, out there that will result in your car getting repo’d for them not paying it.

You’re just making stuff up and calling it your argument and wanting people to counter arguments not based in reality and then when people call you on it you want to claim strawman?

Seriously lol dude.

So we agree? There is no reason to change an addition amount for use?

Glad we can see eye to eye on this.

Thank you.

Hah ok.

I’m moving on, I see having any chance of meaningful debate with you is pointless.

You have to pay for server transfers for gasp a game you already bought.

Services in WoW have always cost money, the question was the price point

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Twice in a row we agree. Very nice. I’ll admit there is little reason for you to debate with me.

This is big, thanks for listening to your community, this was a smart move blizzard.