WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

It’s a service, so it shouldn’t be free. This price is reasonable, yet people still complaining.


I never asked for a transfer, not was it implied I would be forced to do so.

If they want to start transfering people then they should expect people to be upset about it. Not be happy to pay an extra $15.

Blizz is basically just telling us that your character is going to be transfered to another server whether to like it or not… and oh btw if you want to play on that expansion you already bought 15 years ago… you’r either going to have to level multiple characters again or fork out a ton of cash.


They stated what their goal is. It just makes no sense.

I’m really concerned that these devs actually drink their own kool-aid though…

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I’m still not giving blizzard a dollar. In fact I’ve already cancelled my sub.

the entire state of tbc classic is frankly a grotesque abomination of the original game, and a 15 dollar reduction doesn’t correct anything. It only reduces one of the infinite problems blizzard has created themselves.

The trick here is the ‘use’ of a new server.

Time-Locked-Progression servers in Everquest 1:

Cost associated? Subscription fee.

Server starts from 1999 original game and continually releases one expansion after another, over a pre-determined period of time. 3 months the next xpac, then maybe 2 months for the next one because it was smaller, then maybe 4 month, or 6 months… depends, they tried a lot of different things.

You were never able to remain in one specific Era.

WoW classic servers:

Cost associated? With the latest news here, you get the option to pick to move on to TBC or choose to remain in the Classic Era and not be moved to TBC, with the cost associated being $15 + sub for keeping your classic era toon while being cloned to TBC, simultaneously. Now you’re paying to keep something you already have, or get denied something everyone already funded when they bought TBC, long ago.

So the difference between the two games and their methods would be the introduction of a new server.

Now I’m just waiting for the buy now to get a 33% discount on clone copy over the next week before the price goes back to $15! Don’t miss out! Get it while you can!

I’m thinking more along the lines as their goal being profit margins, large enough to boast about. If they are even using a new server, cost associated with this would cover that and whatever else, so the startup cost for them is eliminated right from the get go, since they dont want to wait for Subs to cover it. They might be thinking nobody is going to sub long enough before darting off to another game, so they need to drop the price to appeal to these people and at least make something out of it as opposed to nothing.

I might be the odd one out but I’ll take it.
Tricks, stunts and jokes or not, but everyone here has to agree that this is a lot better than $35. Should it be a free service? Yes but we know Blizzard won’t do that so just take what you can get. $15 is a lot more reasonable and they did listen so hey.

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this is amazing i was only going to clone 1 character now im going to clone 5 thank you so much blizz great change

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agreed 35 was extremely expensive im very happy to spend 15 to keep my level 60s in classic

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haha broke boy

I don’t have a horse in this race and yet I still do not understand why this is not free. For a thing you never thought would work the least you could do is give players this for free. The fact your not proves that Blizzard is still about $$$ and not about great games first.

Lowering the price is still not a solution. Its just a false appearance of listening when this should never have been a thing in the first place.


blizzard please make servers that stay in the final patch for every expansion yall will get atleast 30 bucks from me every two years stagnation servers are very casual and u can finally play the game at ur own pace not having to worry about reaching level cap every two years

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Careful consideration AKA the gathering mob outside blizz HQ

Well you just made $15 more dollars than you would have had. I’ll actually pay $15 to store one.

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I rarely post here but you can shove it where the sun doesn’t shine. I’m not supporting your Activision practices.


Has anyone rented a server before?

I mean TBC isn’t new so… we shouldn’t be paying for TBC again… we already paid for that work long ago.

Our sub fees should cover this… and then some… they’re just fine with it being subs

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Its an automated command that is in fact free on the test server. It shouldn’t cost money as all it does is move 1 database entry around to another database and then fact checks the name and if needed issues a name change.

There is zero human processing behind it that would so much as require anyone to pay for it.

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And voila everybody, there you go.

You’re getting ripped off.


The price is great, I am def gonna clone my char but I’m a little confused about character clone. How many Classic Forever servers are there gonna be?

If it was for free, would you give them $15 anyways?