WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

THANK YOU! I am extremely greatful for this, I was not happy with the 35 dollar price but now I am gonna clone.


Still the fact remains, this was part of the plan charge high turn back and cut low to please the consumers. Your statement also suggests you really think anything higher than 10 is justifiable for a copy paste job? When on ptr’s it’s literally free.


Can you lower the price of the Deluxe edition to account for this change as well, then?.. Why are there not more people talking about this? If you just cut the price by $20 of the boost, then you may as well cut the price of the Deluxe edition by $20 as well.

Make the Deluxe Edition $49.99 instead of $69.99 to account for this drop in Character Clone pricing. That will still make a lot of money for Blizzard while being lower overall than the price of a Deluxe edition in Retail WoW, which is not a re-release of a former expansion.

Who else is with me? Up-vote if you agree!


100% Agree!

You have the data that shows that most people said that? Share please

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I like all the kvetching about Blizz being bad, but y’all pay to play anyway.

If you had an ounce of character and you’re opinion is what some of ya say it is here - you’d actually quit playing.

Personally not going to clone but I think its a fair move on their part to lower the ask.

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Considering it’s for a game we already bought and pay a monthy fee for EVERYONE should.

Free to play games can get away with this crap. This game has both an entry fee and a sub man. What should be be happy they are getting screwed a bit less? It’s comical. It’s still $150 freakin bucks if you have a full account.

I could ALMOST forgive $10 per character or $40 for a full account. $150… nah man I’m good.


lol they think they will be getting double the amount of people buying the service.

This company dude


The new price is too low!! This will enable the retail kids to keep classic characters to a greater extend and that’s not what us true classic kvlt players want!

New price is a good change. 15 is pretty reasonable imo.


Honestly should be free for a one way trip —> to the Classic era servers. Does anyone know if we can go from Classic Era to TBC later on if we wish? That’s the only thing that should COST MONEY.

News flash! They had intended $15 the entire time. They just listed $35 so they could lower the price to make stupid people think they are getting a bargain.

Simple fact it’s it’s a subscription based service. This should be included as part of the sub. People need to stop falling for basic marketing scams.


Yep already got a price increase for Aussie sub prices… these prices are just a kick in the teeth.


The price exists because it’s a service they are providing to us. That’s really the largest component to it. We will pay for it so they will charge us.

Think about what Kaivax is saying here when he tried to explain the high cost to us

“This is a new thing to us”

And now suddenly

“But also now we’re slashing the price by over 50%”

You don’t accidentally overestimate the cost of the service by that much. Clearly the management for them to do this is negligible, but that doesn’t mean (IMO at least) we shouldn’t expect some sort of convenience fee for it. It’s the same reason you go to a zoo, theme park, or airport and everything is way overpriced. They have you cornered and you’re going to get raked over the coals.

It just shows that they pushed the convenience fee to the max.

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We are already paying for that service. This is basically just hidden fees.

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Nothing new about them turning out our pockets for money. Bobby needs a new yacht. :sailboat:

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They may be hidden fees to you bro, but the rest of us can read and do understand the price is in plain sight.

Don’t wanna pay, easy peasy. No clone, couldn’t be a simpler concept.

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Could you post the link to the official Blizzard article stating this? I’d like to read it for myself! Thanks in advance too!

Why is this message from the dev team when they aren’t the ones in charge of the pricing?

Is there some sort of cognitive dissonance happening here? It’s not a service it’s an extortion. I am paying for the right to not LOSE my character. Even if you set it at one dollar the premise is egregious.

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