WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

lol, just go level a fresh character on whatever one isn’t your focus. This victim complex that some of y’all have is just sad.

Leveling’s arguably the best part of these games anyway.

The fundamental of running a business is at the end of the day is about making profits by providing services or selling goods that consumers are willing to buy. It would be so easy for them to send us all to TBC, but we as the consumer want more.

One thing I thought about and not really mentioned is what if the 2nd purpose of this fee was too discourage character dupes for literally characters you will never touch. If they had no fee to this character copy, everyone would duplicate thier character and millions of copies of toons is a hell of alot of server space and nearly a pure loss for Blizzard unless you try to justify people only keeping a sub to play Classic only was worth it.

My point being fees may also discourage consumer behavior that could hurt a business. Alot of businesses use this outside of Blizzard.

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I mean… you do have to pay the $15 a month so you can’t play both games without paying anything. If I could have then I would’ve played Classic when it started, but I’ve waited until now to start paying a subscription again after taking a break for about 5 years.

If you offered $35 to clone ALL my characters PER REALM, there’d be zero question in my mind of the value and I would impulse buy it for at least 1 realm. So I think you’re leaving money on the table by not offering another tier of service. But you made a good decision lowering the per character price (not enough, though), now upsell me.

Yeah, or they could have allowed cloning, but you can’t take money or bank inventory with you. I thought that was pretty decent. So it gives you a chance to start with some gold.

“Outplayed” or not, I really don’t care. $15 is better than $35. In fact, I’m surprised it’s below $20, at all.


Why are you surprised? I think it’s worth $0

You think it’s worth $20?

Because most of Blizz Services are $20+

That’s fine. Knowing Blizz, that wasn’t going to happen.

No, that’s just the general value of most Blizz’s services.

Quit fighting with me just to fight with me. We get it, you want it free and will continue to stomp your feet, until you do. I’m not part of your movement, as I’m satisfied with the results.


It seems like it might be new for them. Moving a character means taking the data from server A and using it to create a new data object in server B, then deleting the data from server A after verifying the new data object in Server B. In the case of cloning, they are creating new classic servers with new databases created from copies of the existing classic server databases, then verifying the new databases, then modifying the tbbc server databases for tbcc. I don’t recall that they’ve ever done anything like that before.

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The only thing that’s new is the “new service” they are providing. Everything else is automated and done in a heartbeat.

This is the first time they have decided to keep a classic server stuck at classic, while providing an option to move that toon to TBC, or pay, in addition to your sub fee, to keep your toon in classic and move to TBC.

Is it new? Sure, it’s a unique service to the playerbase. No one has debated that. But was it a technically difficult challenge for them to implement? No one seriously seems to be debating that.

And you want proof of that? They slashed the cost of the service by over 50%. You don’t accidentally overbudget the cost of the service like that. They didn’t accidentally decide the cost was $35 to make acceptable money and then someone ran in screaming OH GOD OH GOD $15 WORKS JUST FINE. WE WERE WAY OVER THE LINE.

wcl asked me

heh. god no. bad gnome

For everyone who is arguing that it costs money to do. The entire proccess is done for free anyway, all characters ARE (or at least will be) cloned by tuesday. What you are paying for is to have BOTH versions of them unlocked. So even those who don’t pay for them, the “cost” is “incurred” by blizzard, whatever you think that would be. They are literally doing something that they had to do, and realizing they can make money out of it by putting a paywall up in front of some part of it.

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It’s funny, this pricing tactic is called “the big ask”.


To be fair, the price is probably to “make-up” for those who WON’T be “using” their said Clones, and Blizz gets compensated for the work they did do, despite some (not all) not using said service.

Hey, can I do this later? My character’s not ready to move on to TBC yet. I still want to get to 60 then do all the raids. But if I clone her now then I will have to relevel to 60 and lose all her progress.

No. The cloning service has already been created and is in use for the PTR.
There is literally no reason for the cost except to fleece their userbase.

When you log into the PTR, it takes FOUR clicks to do an instant character clone.

  1. Click “Copy Character”.
  2. Click on the character you want to clone.
  3. Click “Copy”.
  4. Click “OK” to the prompt ‘Are you sure?’.

And thats it. Instant copy of your character wherever it happened to be a second ago, ready to log in within a few seconds.

Blizzard deserves no congrats for lowering the price, and I actually feel sorry for Kaivax for having to post the original cloning price update.

Things we do for a paycheck eh?

I agree to disagree.

Blizz gets compensated quite handsomly by their Monthly subscription fees.

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