WoW Classic Character Clone Pricing Update

Here is another Square Enox employee trying to stir up the wow fanbase to get them to switch mmos. Wow, we got all of them focusing hard on this forum lately.

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[quote=“Darktides-maelstrom, post:155, topic:963567”]

Piper, you’re not wrong in saying that $15 is less than $35 and that many people probably will be utilizing it, but I’m pretty sure everyone was just masterfully, psychologically outplayed, big time.

oh ok thats beter thanks

You’re right, they go uncover from their toons in the forums and try to convince the masses. It’s extremely odd to find people such as yourself, defending Blizzards actions. I have no idea what you gain from defending Blizzard. If you want to elaborate on that, by all means, please tell us what you intend to gain by defending Blizzard?

This here is just restating what people already have a problem with… so I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish by repeating what the discussion is already about.

It’s the same game… same game… different servers so they could fabricated this problem to create a cash grab scenario, by relating it to an already existing service, and in doing so, make it seem as legit as possible…same game.

exactly what i was thinking.
better than nothing.

I like their business model. It’s nonintrusive. They found a way to make money without ruining the game I play by forcing me to spend extra money.

You keep trying to make it sound like they’re somehow charging you for something you already paid for. They’re not. They’ve never moved on to a different expansion and let me keep my character on both the new expansion and the old one. Never.

Yeah, you may have paid box price for the game and the expansion back in the day. I did, too. So what? They’re literally not charging you box price for these games. They’re not charging people who never paid for them either.

The only thing you ever have to pay is the same exact subscription price that they asked you to pay about 17 years ago, and you get even more for it now.

Yet, somehow, someone always tries to play the victim. Pretending they’ve been cheated or manipulated into paying something more. You’re not, that’s where my problem comes from.

You say the company is greedy. Sure, they exist to make a profit. But nobody ever talks about how greedy players like you are. You expect the world for the price of a video game subscription from 2004.

I’ll say it again, you’re entitled. I hate entitled people.


wow… this guy.

calling people entitled as he tries to tell them how they should feel about spending their money.

I just don’t know where to start. This guy has been milked by blizz for so long he doesn’t even realize how ridiculous he sounds

lol, imagine thinking you had to spend money on any of these optional purchases. You have a self control issue if anything they’re providing feels mandatory.

I don’t feel like I’ve been milked by Blizzard, because I don’t have a self control issue when it comes to my money. I don’t see some weird optional thing and feel like I can’t live without it just because it exists. None of this stuff influences your ability to play the game, at all.

You want to play both games? Go for it. You can literally play all 3 for $15 a month, where we used to be able to play only one.

But whenever Blizzard comes out with something completely optional that isn’t included in that $15, you guys all come kicking and screaming like Karens.

And you have the nerve to say I sound ridiculous? LOL


non-intrusive but you are being forced to spend extra money… You don’t consider being forced to spend extra money to be intrusive? I honestly can’t take you seriously at this point, and you seem to be taking the time to brainwash other people who read this. It’s disgusting to me.

So all of these people, by your logic, who are upset at $35, are also entitled? What if they’re upset at $15? At some point, to you, someone becomes entitled, and it seems that point is reached when the person evaluating the cost of a product believes it’s not worth a single cent. That’s not entitlement brainiac, it’s called The Law of Supply and Demand.

Ya you do sound ridiculous

How? How is anyone being forced to spend extra money?

I’m going to log on next Tuesday, click a button to bring my character over to TBC, and I will pay absolutely nothing for it.

I feel like you don’t actually understand what’s happening here. The $15 cloning fee is literally just to create a copy of your character to have on both games. It’s not a fee everyone has to pay to play TBC content, or to stay in the level 60 content, it’s a fee to take your character and put it in both.

Why do you feel the need to have your same character in both versions of the game simultaneously?


That’s been explained over and over and over, with the understanding of what you just mentioned.

You continue to try to argue on behalf of Blizzard, because you hate “entitled people” and like their business model. Doesn’t take much to convince you does it?

Here, spend this money on this!

O Ookay Blizzard, gosh gee golly that sounds like a great business model you have there, take all my money

Convince me of what? You can play both games without paying anything.

If $15 is too rich for you, go level a fresh character on one of the games.

IDK why I even bother, you guys are just angry little children, lol. No matter what they do, it’s an outrage or a scandal.

Good luck in life, man. I’m done arguing about this.

But y’all are seriously acting like whiny entitled little children.


Law of Supply and Demand, thanks

Community complains
Blizzard: We listed to the feed back
Blizzard: lowers the price to a fair amount
Community: Tin foil hat theories and ungrateful. Continues to complain.

Do people enjoy complaining?


$35 is inexpensive.

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I don’t know how you don’t realize this, but it’s because the rest of your services are overpriced too.

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If you have played this game longer than 12 months you have given Activision at least $120. F*** them and their price gouging tactics.

Says a person with no concept of $. $35 is 20 loaves of bread in the U.S. 15 gallons of milk. A full tank of fuel. Hell, it’s a whole AAA game. What are you like 12?

Yes. It’s because the player base is so transparently being taken advantage of. Basically it’s like they threatened to break your arm, then changed their minds and said “we are only going to break your big toe. You cool with that?”
And the real question you all should be asking is Why are you breaking something to begin with?

Don’t pretend to understand what “running a business” is like. You have no idea. As big as Activision is, it’s just a middle finger to us all.