WoW classic, CE pets, and MURKY

Now that we have 100% confirmation that the original CE pets are in the game for those who have them on the account, can we have confirmation that those of us with Murky will be able to have the little fella with us in wow classic too?

He’s from the 05 blizzcon, was a part of the original vanilla wow experience, his vendor is already in game so doesn’t need a single line of code, and there’s no reason at all to deny him IMHO now that the original CE pets are confirmed.

Can we get a confirmation PLEASE that Murky will join those who have him on their account? Thanks Blizzard team, and thanks again for WoW classic!


i hope you can get your murky mate, i cant wait to have my diablo following me around :3


I’m holding out hope that they will allow it! Why not?

If they didn’t include the CE pets for those with them i’d be worried, but now that they have been confirmed Murky should be an easy confirmation too. i hope, /fingerscrossed.

I can’t think of a single reason why not with regards to Murky. he’s a part of vanilla wow, too!

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The original experience is that Murky can only go to one character. How do you make that happen with this? Running around with my Diablo again is enough for me.

I’d be happy with a one time only kinda pet again. Murky deserves to be part of WoW classic too for those of us who have the lil guy.

I don’t have the vanilla CE, but i do have Murky and desperately hope Blizz allows him to join us in vanilla… Why not?

If the vanilla CE pets are here; so should Murky. I’m actually hopeful for Murky now after reading the CE pets would be available to those with them; and really hope for a Blue response confirming it.

after all, it’s harmless so why not? it isn’t altering a single thing about the classic experience, and those of us with murky have already got him and again, he’s already in the code


Oh look, this thread. AGAIN.

Because we’ve had confirmation that CE pets are now 100% confirmed. It is the right time to ask this question about Murky and Classic.

Now that CE pets are in; why the heck not?


Yes! I want my murky too. He’s rare as hell, and I want my status at being at the very 1st blizcon. I want to stand out like I did in Vanilla, there since the beginning. We need our murky pet.


It’s sad they won’t and haven’t answered. I dont get out CE pets are in the game yet Murky isnt.

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Since they’ve not made a peep one way or another, I’m holding out hope that they’ll surprise us at blizzcon and activate him on our accounts.


It could also be a content phase thing; the NPC didnt appear till after BWL.

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I have an unscathed Blizzcon murkey from ages ago. Would there be a market for it? It is basically gathering dust…

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lol, um yah, pretty good one, take a gander on Ebay, at least 3k, have seen them listed for higher.

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/laughs in Zergling

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I have a few good things I thought about that perhaps somebody may wish to acquire them VS sitting and collecting dust.

Hopefully we get an answer one day.

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The silence is truly baffling considering how EASY the solution is (A GM ticket for murky owners, all 100 of us left lol) and considering they set the precedent with the vanilla CE pets already.

Murky needs to be in WoW classic, he’s in the code and blizz knows who has them.

Their silence is infuriating on this subject. Thousands of posts and not one “We hear you and will offer a solution…” even a “No” would’ve been better than being ignored by blizzard.

Is THIS how they want to treat their most LOYAL and oldest fans?


I know right; you’d think they would care about those few hundred since we all went to the first freaking bc. :frowning:

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We need help keeping these threads alive. Blizz needs to hear us and respond with more than nothing.

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So much for #nochanges.
I’m so surprised they let CE pets in but not Murky; we went to the first blizzcon and Murky was for Vanilla, which classic is.

Then trolls say ‘diff game’ but then the CE pets are in. It’s sad really.

Another Tues and no Murky :frowning: