WoW classic, CE pets, and MURKY

any news on murky?

No, blizzard is doing all they can to sweep us under the rug and ignore Murky.

Murky belongs in every single bit as much as the vanilla CE pets.

Was Murky in vanilla? if the answer is YES, he belongs in classic for his owners as well.

It’s downright shameful favoritism, and borderline discriminatory to Murky owners how Blizzard is picking/choosing their favorite vanilla pets for classic.

BOTH belong, or NEITHER do.

Still nothing about Murky? THE MASCOT of wow classic? #whereismurky

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Lol /10chars

Omg this again. Collectors edition pet is valid for as many characters as a person makes…forever…for each toon on the account. Murky was a one time use thing for one character. Once the ticket or whatever was used or redeemed it was done. People that are whining used their ticket years ago. You still have murky…its just on retail. Now excuse me while i go back to my mini diablo.

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I keeps it OLD SCHOOL with the grey tabby

They are valid bc what? bs Murky was a part of vanilla and he’s gone. #whereismurky