WoW Classic Beta Update

yea but 40-60 content remains untested so nice beta.


I’m not excited about running into a bug wall at 41.


Don’t go to Tanaris then. Silithids are all over the place there.


I hate you so much right now… Got me with the dad joke…


A fool and his money are soon parted.


I have had a blast in the beta. Reported a bunch of stuff.

Ill spend the last little bit finishing learning node/ore spots, and exploring my leveling path and more.

45 days from Beta end to launch is gonna be haaard.

I feel like Blizzard didn’t raise the cap and expand testing simply due to 8.2 and the new raids coming out the week of beta ending. How can you neglect 41-60+ testing? With all due respect, I don’t have a whole lot of confidence in Blizzard testers.


the 40-60 content will be a buggy mess cant wait…nice beta blizzard.


Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the BETA.

I’m hoping Stitches (A Gift from the Embalmer) is fixed by the time the game goes live. It was always fun to see the frenzy in Darkshire way back when.

Is there a time set for the “small in-game event to end the closed beta on July 12”?

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Damn I just tamed a ghost saber on my hunter. :frowning:

Edit: can we get a classic guild recruitment forum now plox


Most people did not test.
They rushed to 40 and then did some content and got board.

I wish you could see me there but I wasn’t given access to the closed beta :sweat_smile:


The primary testing seems to have been focused on class mechanics and mob mechanics. At level 40, all classes have access to their 31 point talent, meaning that they have access to all talents by and large.

So I imagine Blizzard has halted testing because all mechanics have had feedback received, and they don’t want to spoil the game experience by having it broadcast all the way up to 60.

It’s almost like they listened to all the people saying that Streamers were killing the hype and the beta should be stopped…


I notice that this date change means that people who subbed for the last stress test will have their sub expire before the July test.

Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

Thanks for the update about beta!


You weren’t promised anything. Stop acting like you were.

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To be fair, this is accurate to original release.


Someone needs to link this to this thread:

There are a good number of new abilities available post level 40 that aren’t going to be as rigorously tested. not to mention sometimes bugs occur in higher ranks of abilities that were not present in the lower ranks. No one expects classic to be bug free, but it is something I think should be mentioned.

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Warriors: Recklessness.
Druids: Gift of the Wild and Barkskin.
Hunters: Tranq Shot, Track Dragonkin, and Aspect of the Wild
Mages: Arcane Brilliance and Alternate Polymorphs.
Paladins: BoS, Hammer of Wrath, Greater Blessings, Cleanse.
Priests: Prayers of X.
Rogues: Nil
Shamans: Tranquil Air Totem, Grace of Air Totem
Warlocks: Ritual of Doom, Curse of Doom, Inferno, Detect Greater Invis., Soul Fire, Curse of Shadow, Death Coil.

Did I miss any?

While Warlocks and Paladins get a number of them, I’m pretty sure they can test those themselves with employees and friends and family. Most of the abilities are actually “group buff” versions of buffs.

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Not only that, but people seem to be forgetting there was an AV test where almost all of these abilities were avaialble for testing/bug reporting.