WoW Classic Beta Update

In fact, I don’t see anything positive in closing the beta and postponing stress test. However, I see something positive in the fact that bugs are fixed.

They were testing 1-40 internally too, and look at the number of bugs that were reported in that bracket. Almost all of them remain unfixed. This is worse than bfa beta



hmm, I didn’t notice any major bugs. And most of those, that I reported, have either been fixed or explained as not-a-bug.

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The hype wasn’t dying down. An arbitrary level cap that wasn’t 60 caused people to lose interest.

Losing interest in a scuffed 40 meta =/= losing hype for classic.


I’ve got over 20 days /played on my level 40, and 10 characters across both servers, my experience has been quite the opposite

Hrm, my 6-month sub renews on the 4th… Time to go visit account management I think.

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20 days played???

Like, 24 hour full days?

Like equivalent to 60, 8 hour days? For a 2 month beta??

My mind is exploding trying to comprehend this much video game playing.


There are people with more than that in my guild, people have been really putting a lot of time into testing stuff and just having fun in general

17,000 bug reports, but only hundreds verified. The beta test was for exactly what I predicted it was. :slight_smile:

Great job Team Classic!

Yes, I’m sure many aren’t the same bug by different people…

People need to be patient. We have less than 2 months to release just calm down.

I guess the good thing is, i have not had any issues with questie since release #2

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Sooo levels 41-60? Those just don’t get tested?


Can’t wait!!!

time to unsub till 27th and start playing Final Fantasy, I refused to log into BFA. so I guess im going to play final Fantasy.


Sorry to break it to you, but it had nothing to do with your advice lol.

I saw Esfand saying in a stream a couple weeks back that the beta would be ending some time before launch. He mentioned he would be streaming something else during that time.

Gamma testing phase begins August 27th UTC. :smiley:

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Agreed! I was already of the mindset I wasnt leveling past 40 in the beta. 40-60 is such a slog/ but I would have felt compelled to do it any way.

This is a good point actually. I do find it odd that they only had players testing up to 40 and that levels 40-60 and endgame content internally, and actually a bit worrisome. But oh well, what can ya do?

This beta has been so different than other WoW betas, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.


Smart. BFA is terrible.


Or - they didn’t spend much time on the 1-40 content knowing there would be beta testing by the community for this, and they have spent the majority of internal testing on the 40+ content.

I am happy the general population isn’t getting 40-60. Even if there are bugs. Some things should be experienced by everyone at the same time without preparation. If people want the true Classic experience then there will be bugs - there were in live, and they got fixed or became parts of the game. This is actually closer to the real experience then a perfectly polished game.