WoW Classic Beta Alterac Valley Test Info

I don’t think you understand how much ‘more’ imbalanced it was before they changed it. Don’t get me wrong it’s still ally favored, but before they changed it horde LITERALLY rarely won. There was no way for them to push any base whatsoever with the archers damage on top of the NPCs that were around hitting them.

I’m still disappointed at the stripped-down version of AV Blizzard has chosen. I will miss the Lieutenants and Commander NPCs very much. I really implore Classic devs to reconsider here, one final time.


There are already things that have been broken, hunters quiver issues, locks demons loosing abilities…

So no the game needs MORE testing than you think.

No, the Queuing Test cannot be tested off ONE or even a few battles. You test the Q buy having LOTS of people trying to Q.

See? They’ve already found them and fixed them with a small beta pool!

They’ll have plenty to fill several 80 man instances.

What surprises? If there are any “surprises” then they are changes, and it isn’t classic anymore.

No they have NOT fixed all of the bugs yet, nor have they even found all of the bugs… that is the POINT… even the BETA players say that 1) People have stopped playing 2) Even before that there should be MORE people in the test

You rushed to make the very first response in this thread a trolly swipe at people who have been fighting to get early AV. Then you doubled down with the pronouncements of what we already know and have been fighting to change.

You are a flat out troll.


Sadly he is, no reason for anyone to respond that way unless they were looking to jab someone.

Wish developers would listen to reason, they already did pve community favors and why not roll back the nerf npcs and or delay cross realm/major city que feature.

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Quality, or quantity?

Yes, quantity may have a quality entirely its own, but for some tests, you just need enough people to spawn the instance and play through it.

That will take care of any major or otherwise significant flaws.

Quantity testing in a lot of cases is trying to find the smaller flaws that tend to add up quickly after awhile.

There’s plenty of time for dozens of games. This is 1.12 AV :smile:


“Field of Swipe Left”?

There are bugs and glitches scattered across the world as it stands, it needs more testing, and it’s probably going to need players, or different tools brought to bear, for testing of level 40+ content moving forward. Overall it is in a fairly solid condition, but there is a lot of work that still needs to be done.

I ‘rushed’ lol ok dude. I saw it come up, and thought it would be funny to poke fun at the situation on going of people arguing about it still. You’re taking this WAY too seriously. I then followed up by actually responding to someone who said something silly like “there’s no reason not to”. Notice how I didn’t respond to anyone saying they prefer the older version? Or that they think the older version is better? If I were trolling I would jump on them first tbh but I respect their opinions.

Will we(warlocks) need to get our shards in AV only? Would help at least if the character came premade with some already in bags since we cannot go out and farm them pre-queue.

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Zergs swipe right, silly.

You cannot get them from the mobs and enemy players inside of AV?

edit: (Sorry, I reread what I wrote and am now laughing at the silliness of it.I suppose you can get 1 shard per general kill…)

Have fun with the zerg rush that is 1.12 Alterac Valley, the soul-crushing version of AV no one wants.

Most everyone I knew loved it, though we were a PvE raiding guild. It was “less popular” because it was inefficient for farming PvP ranks due to the time it took, not because nobody liked it.


It was still inefficient for farming honor after the changes as well but it somehow got more popular.