WoW Classic Beta Alterac Valley Test Info

And Ehma easily grabs the first troll post reply. :roll_eyes:

Likely so they can say “see? The NPCs are plenty strong!”


Imagine putting so much effort into fighting against something that a large number of original vanilla players desire. Seriously, what do you seek to get out of this type of trolling?


So, if I were to have ever gotten a beta invite, I would encourage everyone to create only shaman and paladins for the simple AV smash up. Since I’m not everyone should choose the AV master race: mage.

you mean when “streamers” log in …not beta testers

Perspective :-P. At the rate the last few weeks have gone, with all the hype, August may as well be January 2035.

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Specifically to taunt you, but mostly because the Classic community wants to read this information and receive updates. But also you.

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This doesn’t get rid of the problem that a lot of people have a preference in which faction they will be playing and influencers have well… an influence on the population and most of them have already created identities being a Horde player whether it be over the years or on the Beta. I really hope you guys do something to make sure that the numbers aren’t as imbalanced as they are on the PvP Beta Server because when your having a 6 v 10 WSG I don’t see the point of playing.

I already am and will be playing a Human Mage and I assume many others especially those playing Shaman or Paladin will be sticking to one faction.

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Posting facts is trolling? I’m not saying there is no one who wants it. I’m providing reasons why they aren’t doing it. If you don’t like those reasons that’s cool with me, but they are facts whether you want to believe them or not.


Sounds like fun! I lived for AV in vanilla!

Why is the realm called “Field of Strife”? It’s more commonly known as the “Field of Passing Each Other On Opposite Ends And Ignoring The Other Faction”.

Is there a character limit on realm names?


What an outstanding Beta tester.


Thank me when trying to wand something while your staff melee animation is playing doesn’t cause someone with photosensitive Epilepsy to have a seizure.

btw they still haven’t fixed it.

The issue is that is the game is trying do both at the same time and it causes a wand with a bright light to be sheathed and unsheathed dozens of times which isn’t good in a dark place like the entrance to the undead part of SMGY.

Look forward to testing it this weekend, I’ll be really curious how it all shakes out.

These “facts” are well known and you do not have to prance around all gloat-like shoving them in our faces.

I again have to wonder what your motivation is, if not to troll/gloat like a couple others in this subforum.

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Unless you open this up to stress testers you will never be able to fill enough games for quality testing.

I don’t think this should be that hard to understand.

The content was already beta tested 15 years ago. It was rigorously tested for two years when it was live.

The only things needing tested are those things that may be impacted from the operation on new server technology, the changes made due to 6 phase roll out of Classic, and the layering technology being developed to facilitate the launch.

It is for this very reason why they called this a “very limited beta”.

If they were to add 10’s of thousands of testers tomorrow… they would be thousands of the same reports they already got… many of which are people who either mis-remember Vanilla, or are thinking private servers had it right and Classic wrong.

From what I’ve seen (and I have watched hours of streams) the game has been rock solid… I’ve not seen it crash even once.

The stress test and layering stuff has work that must be done… but as you can see that is accomplished with a bunch of level 5’s.

I REALLY want to get some beta experience in as much as the next guy (or gal) but I can honestly say I don’t think the game needs much more testing. The content and numbers that make it up… are there. If we’ve learned anything… it’s that only a very few real “bugs” have been reported… like the one about hunter quivers causing ammo to not be available.

What I hope they do is close beta as soon as they feel like it’s ready… then wait out August 27.


They aren’t really testing anything past the queuing, the creation of the instance, the scoring/rewards/systems, and the handoff back to the main server.

The only need run ONE battle a few times to make sure it is working as intended.

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they changed it into a 100% alliance favored map.

Excuse me? I didn’t just randomly say them, if you pay attention to context I was actually talking to someone else, who said there is ‘no reason why they shouldn’t do it’. So I was just correcting his thought. If that triggers you, then just ignore my post, it wasn’t directed at you anyway.

My motivation? My motivation was talking with someone else who said there is no reason why they shouldn’t put it in, so I was just informing him.

I’ll test it out of a feeling of obligation because I’m in the beta… but I’d be significantly more enthusiastic had you guys actually run with the, you know, GOOD version of AV that only existed in early vanilla.