At 3:00 p.m. PDT (6:00 p.m. EDT) on Wednesday, March 11, we will unlock the Arathi Basin Battleground in WoW Classic. Players who are level 20 or above will be able to queue after this time.
- The League of Arathor faction for the Alliance is in the town of Refuge Pointe in the Arathi Highlands zone. The quartermaster here is Samuel Hawke and he’ll be in the town near the entrance to the Battleground.
- The Defilers faction for the Horde is in the town of Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands zone. The quartermaster here is Rutherford Twing and he is just north of the town near the entrance to the Battleground.
Later that same week, the Battleground Holidays will be kicking off. These will allow players to earn additional Honor and Reputation while playing a specific Battleground. We’ll post the initial schedule for these next week.
Get ready to run to the Blacksmith and good luck!
I can’t wait to finally queue for a battleground! Even though this is the only one I enjoy, I also can’t wait to be violently reminded why I haven’t queued for a battleground yet.
Alliance will be there, defending the Stables with 15 valiant soldiers!
now ban premades from facing pugs please.
I am looking forward to playing a few rounds and then stopping due to premades.
Can you still jump the gate and cap bases before the match begins?
Cool. Will be easier to finish WSG rep grind! Only 20800 rep to go! 
Looking forward to my 1v1 battles at mines.
Lol, hopefully announced by then, or Citcon this year.
The best part of classic wow is going live next week! 
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Sad but oh so true.
Only have the patience to be 5 capped in a PuG so many times…
Wrong! The correct estimates for Phases/TBC (based on how Blizzard has been releasing Phases to mimic the same length of time between Vanilla Raid releases):
Phase 5: August 2020
(ZG September 2005 > AQ January 2006 - Four months between releases)
Phase 6: January 2021
(AQ January 2006 > Naxx June 2006 - Five months between releases)
TBC: August 2021
(Naxx June 2006 > TBC Launch January 2007 - Seven months between releases)
Would it be possible to release content on Tuesday. Ya know like you’ve been doing for 15 years. These Wednesdays Are not OK.
So why not Tuesday? Is this going to be a common occurrence now where the raids reset on Tuesday but new content is dropped on Wednesday preventing every raiding guild that does Tuesday clears from having that extra progression day? Sure it’s just a BG but ZG is coming soon and I’d wager my Classic Chinese Gold Token that it’ll be released on Wednesday.
It’s just a day. Get over it.