WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Battlegrounds Now Live!

I don’t think this is the same thing at all. Selling boss loot is a service provided by a player who puts in effort. I do not agree with your assessment. By this logic you can ban all the people selling blackstone ring princess runs.

What level are you now?

Greens in Hellfire are better than MC gear.

You don’t have to do all the raids my guy.

You’re right it’s not and what other players have or don’t have has no impact on your character unless you interact with them directly or they’re cheating(buying gold).

so having rank 14 in BWL would be bad but you’re all ok with all the mage boosting and aoe farming in ZF/mara? :crazy_face:

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They will. They always have.

Rushed? The whole timeline for this release was shown before it even came out…


It doesnt matter if you agree or not it literally says you can not sell gear from dungeons for gold

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I think this was their original intention

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Yes the GDKP ban is broad enough since it actually targets anyone trading gold for instanced items. Which also includes ad hoc trying to buy/sell items during a normal run.

It literally does not. Link a source. In regards to anniversary, they say they don’t want GDKPS. It says nothing about boosting gear from dungeons for set prices.

Where is SCARLET HALLS and WAILING CAVERNS? in classic timewalking, nobody wants smore dire maul wings

If they intended the ban to be similar to SoD’s ban then yes it does include buying dungeon loot.

So everyone in a GDKP magically teleports to the boss and it just dies? There is effort put forth, that is a crazy argument to try and stand on.

That being said, Blizzard is doing absolutely nothing to stop people from breaking these rules.

Maybe they’re making a big list and they’re going to ban everyone in waves?

Yo blizzard I guess as things go we might as well just get into TBC on February, there’s no point wasting time in vanilla when you’re releasing phases every 1 month, players can’t even enjoy the flavour of classic, Just open the Dark Portal already.


Yeah. If.

They’ve said their GDKP ban is “in line” with their SOD policy, but I think we all truly know what they’re actually looking for…a raid where all the items are bid out to people throwing gold at their desires.

People trying to rope in dungeon boosting runs are reaching as part of a semantic exercise, but it’s highly unlikely Blizzard cares about it.

Guests in our own game. Hate to see it.


Blizzards own post is slapping you in the face and you want to try and say I’m arguing semantics?

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And blizzard did action people for selling boosts and dungeon loot in SoD.

It doesn’t slap me in the face though, I feel that selling a blackstone ring for example is a different universe than a GDKP and I feel like Blizzard would honestly agree, despite their words somewhat vaguely encompassing the concept.

If they give an exact word on it, sure, but until they do, I’m pretty confident that without the distinction that they probably dont give a lick about selling a blackstone ring.

How is selling BoP items in a dungeon different than selling BoP items in a raid?

These are straight facts from Blizzard themselves. It is against their GDKP Ban Policy. I presented the EXACT WORDS already.

“It’s ok to cheat my way, just don’t do it that other way” Actual clown response.

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Deep breath. Nothing bad is going to happen to you if you dont get full bis or clear the raid first week of release

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