WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Battlegrounds Now Live!

Guessing the 0.5 chain will come out with AQ then.

Rank cap is prob for not trivializing BWL, especially with the new PvP system in effect.



They can’t win either way. This keeps butts is seats, if players have a mindset that they’re ‘missing out’ that’s not something blizz can fix. This mentality is pervasive and nothing they do will change that.

I’m glad to see them coming even if I probably won’t be 60 by then.


I don’t know why anyone is surprised by this. All you have to do is look at the roadmap. They’re rushing through Vanilla phases. And they’ll do the same with TBC and Wrath.


im pleased with this, it will be my first time going for 14 and im sure ill appreciate the break at 11.

This is great thankyou. I certainly won’t be level 60, but keep up with the blue posts. Always appreciated.

It’s just the world bosses, you’ll have plenty more MC lockouts before BWL.

If it’s anything like the last time phase 2 came out, then yeah, leveling will pratically disabled for a good while.


It’s not like last time, BG’s are coming out one week after honor system is live and everyone grinding open world honor will go there.


You make the same mistakes that lead to the death of Classic 2019, SOD and SOM.

Rushing content for the 1% that no life this game, is just so bad. The majority of the people were already hit in the face, when you released MC while they were around level 40 and now you are trying to rush to BWL which most likely comes in Feb.

This speed is insane and has nothing to do with Classic WOW from 2004.

Stop listening to the no lifers, start listening to your playerbase and slow down the releases of new content.


Is it really new content though?

I’m no where near 60, giving content to those that are quicker means they stay subbed. Let’s be honest, that’s why they do it.

I’m still in my 40s.
How does MC being available now hurt you exactly?
How does BWL coming out in February hurt you?

Other people clearing content has nothing to do with you even if they’re on the other faction.


Glad BGs are coming pretty excited to get into them. World PvP I couldn’t give a rats about, Dreamscythe FTW.


I’m not familiar, but does this trivialize the impact of the rank grind (i.e. how useful rank 14 weapons are) due to the rank cap?

You may have missed it, but the intention is to transition into TBC. So if they release content as quickly as they do, then we will face that transition at the end of 2025.

If BWL comes in Feb, then ZG may come in March, AQ in June or July and Naxx in September. It´s an insane speed and shortens the lifespan of Classic Fresh.

This isn´t a single player game, where you can still play in 5 years, despite the company throwing out a new DLC every month. It´s an MMO, where every patch changes some parts of the game and once the final patch was dropped, the game is sooner than later coming to an end.

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While I can understand people feeling demoralized with the early release of P2. P2 is a catch up phase. The addition of DM and world bosses will greatly accelerate the rate at which people can achiev pre-raid BiS. There is really nothing to miss out on.

I’m going to reserve judgement until I see how their layering or sharding or whatever affects everything but I’m quietly hopeful it won’t be a stomp on one side.

Well they can easily win simply by not doing what they did before and driving the player base away. Stop catering to the elites is normally a good thing lol. People won’t won’t have a mindset that they’re ‘missing out’ if you tried to give them a chance. But there is pervasive elitism in how things are handled.

i don’t know if blizzard will ever do a 2 year classic cadence again :expressionless: they probably view it as too long and drawn out. condensing everything to 1 year is probably good for their annual project reviews etc.

judging from SoM, 1 year felt just a little too fast. I think 1.5 years is the sweet spot.


Way too soon. The release of diremaul reduces the demand for all the other dungeons since you get your new pre-raid bis from there now.

Also reminder to report anyone selling tribute chest loot as gdkp. Blue post quote "We’re defining GDKP as any raid or dungeon run where items are awarded in exchange for gold. "

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yeah you’re right, it’s the diremaul opening that’s the biggest issue :expressionless: