PLEASE make a list of these and post it somewhere (or edit that post to include the bugfixes).
rogue diary fixed to sell for more or nah?
That sounds horrible. Why even have PVP servers if they all will be 90/10. At that rate just make all servers PVE and lose out on a threatening world. I don’t normally start a conflict and sometimes even help others, but not being able to would be lame.
It’s cringe for him because he’s on an 80/20 A/H server and he doesn’t want the remaining Horde to leave.
I can only hope!
Whether it was available in vanilla or not Blizz should have some kind of moderation over these transfers to prevent even more chaos that started with the free transfers.
Like it is now. Yes YEEES I AM BABY
So balanced realms are going to suffer from the imbalance of others.
Let’s hope the powers that be came to their senses and will be utilizing the 15th anniversary version.
The intentional vagueness as to when this feature will be made available is aggravating beyond words.
No point in having them if they are overpopulated and imbalanced to one faction as it is. 90/10 is hardly any different than 65/35 for the minority faction. Either address the faction balance or let people leave so they can play.
Not till they see if BGs quiet the complaints, at least.
So glad I rolled on a PvE server.
Alliance last few months “If this keeps up with the imbalance, the servers will be empty”
Horde “Reroll or quit, zugzug, there is no imbalance, pvp happened”
And now- Horde “Duuuuh, wait, if they all leave, who do we have left to 10v1?”
They actually took the reroll or quit option (or transfer). So accurate on some servers where there is now more horde in IF and SW than there is in Thunder Bluff.
You do realize our server is one of the closest ratios out there right? Alliance camp just like Horde and everyday there are groups in Undercity killing players jumping off the Zep. World bosses are a war zone and lag fest. Allowing paid transfers off our realm would ruin what we have already.
I guess allowing PVP to PVE transfers would make players happy. Playing a dominant faction on a PVP server is pretty much playing PVE anyway. What is the point of running to a dungeon or farming not having to watch your back. Also thought your guild was all about PVP since I’ve met groups of your guild a lot.
Fixed for Heartseeker.
Like what?
PSA: Certain items that unlock instances or perform special actions AREN’T KEYS.
The best example of this is the Drakefire Amulet. Don’t leave town without it!
Any chance we’ll get a list of some of the major bugs fixed with this patch?
Did you fix feign death? You broke it recently.
Paid character transfers will still have limitations