PVP Wow cata classic arena 2s and 5s

Wow cataclysm had 2v2 and 5v5 rewards blizzard is choosing to remove them early cause they are using a later patch.

This is a quality of life downgrade and ultimately is what lead me to quit retail wow

after this change i could never again hold interest in competive 2s wow which is fun but simple
this change didn’t originally happen till a patch before or around dragon soul release and shouldn’t happen before this at minimum
This idea needs a quality of life upgrade to keep pvp relivent because 3v3 arena ques in classic were already horrible and if 2s are not competitive they will be too i will have no reason to play if i can’t que late night arena competitively after 1 phase and 5s will be unthinkable to find a team now. If it was not already

I opened a ticket recently 5 times in a row and finally spoke to a gm the advice i was given is if enough people speak on a matter blizzard may adjust it
please everyone aid me to fix arena rewards in cataclysm classic

My reply to blizzard informing me of this change

Changeing the game for quality of life improvement is fine but the 2v2 and 5v5 rewards were not removed until the end of cataclysm one of the last patches removing them early or at all is a reason many people quit doing arena. 5s give the points but without a reward. Some players won’t do them and 2s without rewards won’t be competitive its just skirmish with a number attached 3s is what is competitive but its much more coordination focused each bracket holds its own joy and your forcing us to play it differently than ordinal cata and making a quality of life change based on patch not based on when it happend

Not that blizzard cares about one subscriber but if you take awake competitive play from 2s in classic early your taking away my desire to resub and unless 10000 people agree with me to change blizzards choice to make quality of life downgrades they will have lost atleast my 1 sub after 1 phase of cata



Real gamers compete in 3s son, get outta here with your cheesy 2s comps lol.

Rogue/priest lawl
Warlock/druid lawl
War/paladin omegalawl
Dk/healer :nauseated_face:
Rogue/mage :face_vomiting:

You should remain retired.

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Bro after the first season of arenas it’s going to be dead like tbc and wrath with no new influx of competitors and everyone will settle where they will be for the rest of the seasons.

Same thing with RBGs, there’s gonna be like 2 or 3 teams that own everyone else and it’ll be dead

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You can still farm conquest from 2v2 its not like you were getting gladiator this doesnt affect you in any way LOL

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Glad titles were removed from 2s back in wrath originally. This is a late removal, leaving them in already ruined wrath arena.

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Im happy. Was sad 2s didn’t get glad removed back in s7 of wotlk like they were supposed to. 5s is also a meme, but this is all personally preference. Either way, 2s never gave glad in cata and I’d like it to stay that way