Cataclysm Classic Launch Notes - Updated June 4

If I remember correctly last Cata patch required 1800 RBG rating OR Rank 8 FoS from vanilla in order to transmog ANY vanilla pvp item. Not Rank 13/14 or 2300/2400 rbg rating.

Removing 5s was a great idea but making 2s a for fun bracket in classic was a mistake. 2s has been the most active bracket in all of classic. 3s just needs more incentives.


3s were dead in tbc/wrath because they were awful or people just didnt have a healer/correct 3rd dps to make it work (3s in wrath was literally Elemental World)

killing 2s in cata completely doesnt make 3s more active at all lol

3s were good in tbc until they made the 5s change where 5s gave top points from 1500 rated (one of the worst changes they ever did for activity). Wrath 3s on the other hand were completely dead.

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The whole arena system is broken because there is not enough participation. Top 100 wasn’t even enough for Glad in 3s. Removing Glad from other brackets will make the player pool even smaller and amplify toxic behavior that already exists like queue dodging and sniping.

If you remove the 2200 rewards from 2s as well it might as well be a dead bracket along with arena in general.

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Changeing the game for quality of life improvement is fine but the 2v2 and 5v5 rewards were not removed until the end of cataclysm one of the last patches removing them early or at all is a reason many people quit doing arena. 5s give the points but without a reward. Some players won’t do them and 2s without rewards won’t be competitive its just skirmish with a number attached 3s is what is competitive but its much more coordination focused each bracket holds its own joy and your forcing us to play it differently than ordinal cata and making a quality of life change based on patch not based on when it happend

Not that blizzard cares about one subscriber but if you take awake competitive play from 2s in classic early your taking away my desire to resub and unless 10000 people agree with me to change blizzards choice to make quality of life downgrades they will have lost atleast my 1 sub after 1 phase of cata

Please everyone help me tackle this issue here


Gladiator: Season 8 Ranks ~18-91 - wrath 3v3
Gladiator: Season 8 Rank ~43-205 - wrath 2v2

how does a bracket that requires more people have less participation? XDDD

I’m neutral on the no more 2s/5s titles. I think in theory it’ll bring more life to 3s but in reality I could just see overall pvp participation taking an even further dip. I think if anything Gladiator should still be obtainable in 2s/5s and then leaving rank 1 exclusive to 3s.

Let’s just hope people make the shift to 3s instead of quitting or not even making an effort to pvp, it was bound to happen at some point anyways. I can’t imagine if we get MoP titles from 2s being a thing.

Also let us mog warglaives pls, kthx.


This is a bad change IMO. It will change 2v2 and 5v5 from a competitive bracket into a points farm like it did in retail, and overall just makes the game worse for those who enjoy playing those brackets for the benefit of no one.

Guess you didn’t watch the “dev team” interviews with Crix and scottejay. The original phase time lines is not set in stone. that timeline is the FASTEST they will be pushing the content, and will extend the phases based on their internal metrics of how many people are clearing the content. also even if they went with the original listed phase lengths tier 11 would be 16 weeks, not 4 weeks. lol

We’re already in cataclysm, but thanks for the update.

It was actually patch 5.2.0 of MoP when they introduced the RBG requirement and it was 1800 for gear and 2400 for weapons but either way making it available for all to transmog now is still a slap in the face to the people who grinded in classic 2019

I absolutely love these PVP changes. I also love seeing all these double rogue 2s players panicing. Time to learn how to play wow. :smiley:

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Why do you think this is a positive change? Your highest rating in 3’s is 2100. It’s going to be even harder for you to hit 2200 because the people migrating from 2’s to 3’s will be Gladiators. The phases are going to be shorter and inflation is going to be lower.

Are you excited to be hardstuck at a lower rating? I’m confused.

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What are you hoping for? The WoTLK arena was filled only in season 5 (the first season of WoTLK), and then there were fewer and fewer people, and in the end there were only 2-3 setups left on the ladder. In Cata, whose popularity is much lower than WoTLK, you say that you can only play 3s. This season will be the last if you don’t change your mind.
Finding a teammate for 2s was a problem, but for 3s it would be a couple of teams and that’s it.
I am the owner of the largest Discord community for finding teammates in the EU, I am sure that 3s is no longer suitable for the current times, everything has changed, people want easier and more, so 2s rewards are necessary.
A better solution for 3s would be soloQ.


Mad enough to go looking for receipts. I’m already loving Cata. :smiley:

Why would I be mad? lol

I’m asking a legitimate question. Why are you happy with this change? Can anyone actually articulate why this is a good change for anyone but the top 0.5% of 3v3 players who want more competition or a faster queue?

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Alright. If you want a legitimate answer here it is. PVP is balanced around 3s. This creates an environment where the “better team” has a higher chance of winning the match than in a bracket that is less balanced (2s/5s). By only allowing Gladiator titles and rewards in the most balanced bracket this actually makes the titles even better! When you see a Gladiator title in Cataclysm it will mean more than it did in expansions where the title was given out for simply being able to queue 3000 2s games in a season with an overpowered comp. I want to make clear that I am not saying every player that spammed Warr/Hpal or double rogue in WoTLK is not a deserving player, but lets be real here. There are many who just had the will to carry out a gimmick long enough to get the rating they needed.

Idk if you PVP’d at all in TBC and Wrath, but 2s was a mess balance wise. If you didn’t play the absolute meta 2s comps (and there weren’t many) you were out of luck to compete at a high level, and this isn’t the players fault. The game just simply isn’t balanced around that bracket. I personally hated that WoTLK 3s was a dead bracket compared to 2s, and these change will breath new life into the actually competitive bracket, which I think is great for everyone. I believe the players who are threatening unsub or inferring that these changes will ruin PVP are out of touch. The argument “I barely was able to find a good 2s partner. How will I find another for 3s?” Is complete nonsense. And for the people who genuinely enjoy 2s and 5s. By all means continue to play those brackets with your friends, but the reality is those brackets and completely unbalanced and not competitive so why would Blizzard offer you the highest level of rewards for that? Just go have your fun, and if the title is really THAT important to you. Queue 3s to prove you deserve it.

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I think the opposite is true. You could run anything to a decent enough rating. I did a little over 100 games in 2’s as Blood DK with an undergeared Arms partner and we managed to hit 2250. I think we could have practiced and got my buddy a Shadowmourne and we could have run that comp that no one else in the world (that I know of) was playing to 2400+.

I guess we’ll see how things go. Maybe you’ll be correct and 3’s will see a revitalization and everyone will be happy.

To comment on the viability of different 2’s comps once more. We hit that 2250 and my highest rating ever was 2304 with a “real” comp. I think the problem is people and their refusal to try anything new. We beat some Vengeful Gladiators and they messaged me, totally confused because they had never seen anything like what we were playing. How high could Blood DK/Arms Warrior have gone if some actual really good PvP players tried it? What about other totally bizarre comps no one bothered trying? 2800? 2900? I’m not sure but it obviously would have been way higher than our rating

We beat lots of Hpal/Arms btw. It seemed like our hardcounter was Spriest Rogue. Beat lotssssss of Frost Mage/Spriest somehow. Things that seemed like they would counter us surprisingly turned out to be relatively easy to beat.

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LOL. I’m gonna have to press “X” to doubt your story about being messaged about your comp. Warr/DK is not some kind of ultra off-meta comp by any means. I am not a 2s guy, but even with the amount I did queue I came across the comp quite often. It’s literally TSG just without the healer, but lets not get caught up on that. To suggest it was an easy 2.2k or 2.3k doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Beating meta comps on your way up the ladder and using that to justify balance however, I would argue is false logic. Of course you are going to run into players trying to force feed something over powered, but end up not playing correctly, or just straight getting beat by players who actually PVP. But the difference between 2250 and the required 2.8+ for Glad or 2.9+ for R1 is oceans from what you experienced. You seem very passionate about PVP, and that’s great. I really hope you give 3s a shot in Cataclysm. You might accidentally end up enjoying it. :slight_smile: