WoW! Blackwing Lair Cleared in 42 Minutes!

Amen to that.

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The raid instance is exactly the same, meaning it isn’t a world first. Sorry.

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Congrats to Onslaught and RLSE!


Cool. I hope to see this during AQ40/Naxx release.

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i think Kungen got over it…


I’m completely fine with it

Signed, former DNT raider.


Like it or not, you and all the other negative nancy types just need to get over the fact that Classic IS a new beginning.

No one is saying this is a whole new game, we all know what was done 15 years ago. Quite frankly many don’t care about the past and are just here to enjoy yet another adventure in a classic game, changes and all :wink:

If everything was already done 15 years ago then why are you here? Just because a race to finish old content isn’t fun for you, doesn’t mean it isn’t for the guilds involved.

TLDR: Get over it


And you are working on some misconception that Classic is Vanilla, but it isn’t, it is new code designed to recreate a Vanilla experience. So by that very definition, the game may look the same, but it is not the same.

If created a race track that looked just like one that already existed, do I then not get the privilege of calling the first person to drive on it the World’s First to drive my track?

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Not necessarily. Unlike private servers, players actually have to pay a subscription now.

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So I guess the whole “please tune this to be a little more challenging” request didn’t exactly make it to the right ears?


Stop giving us nerfed content. It’ll still be easy regardless with our knowledge and over geared characters.

What an absolute disaster of a release.

some guilds getting gamebreaking bugs, other guilds not.

the UBRS portals not working at launch.

launching without a server message, two minutes early.

Teenagers in the Czech Republic handle these releases better than this. Hopefully you can learn from your mistakes and have a better Naxx release, Blizz.

Congrats to Calamity and Progress.


Because I didn’t play the game 15 years ago, so this is a new experience for me. I’m not going to pretend I’m doing anything new and groundbreaking though.

You have to take into account these guilds have been practicing BWL for years on PServers. They make it look easy. Granted most guilds will be walking into BWL 1.5 gear tiers higher than in Vanilla and thus the instance should have been better tuned to take this into account.

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So vanilla had the exact same players, with the exact same level of skill and experience, in the same guilds, with the exact same gear and using the exact same strategies?

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If you want to claim these are SERVER firsts, that’s fine. I won’t argue that.

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Thank you for the update, Blizzard! Congrats to these guilds and everyone else who completes BWL. It’s great to see this historical content have meaning again!


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That’s irrelevant. All that matters is whether or not the raid instance is identical to what it was 15 years ago.

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All that matters with the super bowl is it’s rules and the general type of field used to play on. It was won 100 years ago. Why bother playing it again?

Same 50 teams yeah, same plays and formation.