WOW Being cut off in China. There goes the game

Fair point.

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Of course.
All this does is make China go from having SOME say in WoW content, to NO say in WoWs content.


If you’re someone with Asian descent born and raised here in the US, then of course I don’t speak for you. I speak for the people laughing at you behind your back because you can’t even speak your own language. I hate to break it to you, but there’s a fundamental difference between what we let you hear/see and what we actually think of you lol. This applies to the people coming into China as tourists as well.

On the subject of Chinese people traveling to the US, though, do you really think that the young people in China living off 1/4 of the US minimum wage are traveling the world? What the rest of the world sees is China’s 1% lol, China simply has such a huge population that their 1% is still an astronomically large number.


China had no say in WoW content outside of their own version of the game.

No changes have ever been made to the US/EU version of the client because of Chinese law. They have always had their own client for that.

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Your words might have a shred of worth if you can tell me what Bilibili is without googling it, but I highly doubt that you can. I also highly doubt that you ever had to hear “hey speak English this is America” when you’re talking with your friends in the lunch line. So, please, shut your trap and take it as a learning opportunity when an actual Chinese person is trying to tell you about the state of his home country. What you’re doing is literally just “mansplaining” but about cultures lol.


What does the western Audience wants tho?

We’ve playing Asian influenced game for the past 15 years.

i wanted more dragons

More than aware of what Bilibili is actually. It’s a media platform, the Chinese version of YouTube basically, much like how Weibo is the Chinese version of Twitter.

You’re not as smart as you think you are.

What you are is a troll pushing misinformation hard, and honestly? It’s kind of disgusting. Go back under whatever rock you crawled out from. The adults are talking.


Every Asian games has those.

Billibilli is the primary publisher for apps for the CCP. They’re responsible a lot of mobiles games as well the started in China, and behind the drama of “Censorship” in many situation to the gaming industry.

Girls Front Line and Azur Lane, two of the biggest mobile RPG / Gacha originated being publushed by Billilli.

What’s up money trade is also under Billibilli authorized payment, on top of everything Carhagen said with Weibo.

No wonder you from Illidan, you one of those united states born Asian and think everyone in America is stupid? You’re the joke here.


Calm down man. Don’t need to be so rude to others just because you disagree with what they are saying. You seem overly enthusiastic on the topic of China I get it, at least be civil.


Ayy now link me one video that you actually watched through on the platform lol. I’ll wait. Better yet, what level are you on Bilibili? I’d love to see any evidence that you engage with that community, or 贴吧.

It’s impressive that you’re this adamant in your beliefs about a culture, when you can’t even speak their language lol. I don’t have any studies I can link you because “the amount of hatred China has for the US” isn’t exactly a well-funded subject, but man, still incredibly crazy.


Talk about irony.


People lie on the internet. People aren’t going to just believe you because you say you’re from the country brother. Especially with how deep the China VS US propaganda hole goes. Sources that are verifiable would be nice at the very least.


That was what I was referencing when I said SOME say.
If they had NO say, they would have had to take the game as it was or not at all.

The contract is nearing expiration, doesn’t mean they won’t come to a new agreement. I doubt blizz will give up that revenue.


So I can’t really understand what that means, but no, Bilibili isn’t the “app publisher.” They’re involved in game and anime stuff, basically the combination of Youtube and Crunchyroll, but Tencent isn’t dead yet. Bilibili is also one of the rare instances where something is affiliated with gaming but isn’t actually owned by either Tencent or Netease lol. At least in terms of stocks, 陈睿 is still in charge.

ABCs don’t play on Illidan lol. This tells me everything I need to know about how much you know about Chinese people in general.




Doesn’t understands
but no
Nothing to see here.

Yes they are.

First nobody brought up Tencent. But, Tencent still go to submit to have their title running. The only advantage it has is being a Mainland operated company.

Illidan has the majority of the Chinese player base. You live in a odd world in your head.

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