WOW Being cut off in China. There goes the game

Already has cosmetic gear for sale. Also I’m not opposed to them selling cosmetics on the cash shop, so long as the best looking stuff isn’t exclusively on the store.

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They pulled out of China because they’re going to make Wranduin canon


Until, like most Chinese laws, you get in the way of the local government or make China look bad.

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Even when people try to bend over backwards for them they can still say no

The monster hunter movie was garbage all on its own. But due to a mistranslation in chinese theaters, folks thought the movie was being racist. So folks went to downvote Monster Hunter World over it.

Even with the subtitles changed afterwards, it still stayed banned and bombed.

Granted it would have likely bombed regardless because Paul WS Anderson is trash. But this is the same market that technically made the WoW movie a success. So who knows what the heck would have happened

Seriously that stupid movie had legit dialogue like “The Black Diablos prefers to strike fear in their prey” ITS A HERBIVORE. IT EATS CACTUS.

not satellite internet.

Not really. China is only a very small percentage of their total players and their growth potential there is not that good like most gaming companies. China has recently been discouraging their citizens from spending too much time on games so most games there does not have that much growth potential compared to other countries.

Duh this even happens in the US (WikiLeaks) once you become a problem to the government your livelihood is at risk.


A lot of the political nonsense in this thread is either irrelevant or flat-out wrong and no doubt has little to do with the business decisions that led to this deal ending. The Biden administration has started to enact more restrictions on trade with China in certain high tech fields but very little of this seems to have any effect on consumer electronics in any significant way.


only 5% of revenue I believe

Couldn’t be happier, tired of companies bending over backward to please the CCP. That said, I feel bad for existing account holders.


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It’s absolutely laughable that people can be so ignorant. I guess things really are different when you don’t speak the language.

As a native Chinese speaker who left China but still visits the “Chinese internet” everyday, China does NOT need to be “provoked” by the US. The Chinese knockoff version of Youtube and Reddit are both filled to the brim with content that either belittles or outright attacks all things American, and all contents that falls into those categories always end up with at least a couple hundred thousand views. That’s the equivalent of millions of views on Youtube, because these websites are only limited to Chinese speakers and thus have a smaller overall community. And, as a ex-Chinese person, I can tell you that those numbers are not just a result of people naturally gravitating toward those kinds of content. The Chinese version of the algorithm show a clear bias for contents that attack the US.

America has a history of using “fighting dictators” as an excuse to make themselves some money, that’s for sure. But the situation with China is quite different from tiny baby-sized countries like Vietnam or Korea. In short, Xi Jin Ping and the CCP in general knows that the rest of the world would legit be physically unable to leave them alone if the things they do on a regular basis ever came to light, in the sense that any president/minister who doesn’t immediately declare war on China afterward would probably not be elected again. So, they prepare themselves for war by brainwashing their own people to hate all foreign countries. The basic example is that, on “the Chinese internet,” anyone who admits to living overseas as a person of Chinese descent will instantly be swarmed by toxic trolls. It’s that bad.


They have an entirely seperate client and server farm for China, when they design content they have to make sure it does not tick any of the boxes the CCP(and some older Chinese taboos) from making it in meaning everything basically has to be made twice almost. Thats money resources and time not spent on making new content or fixing broken buggy content. I used to have a article that outlined some of the things that aren’t allowed to be viewed by the Chinese public(its a very THINK OF THE CHILDREN style thing). Funny enough Diablo Immortal is the only product that is still ok and wil remain active in China and that thing is the most egregiously monetized mobile game in history and whales will pay so Blizz is fine.


Cactus fears it.

Yea they hate foreigners so much that they were the number 1 tourists in the world before the pandemic. They hate foreigners so much that a lot of them inter-marriage with foreigners more than even other east asian nationalities. They hate foreigners so much that the Chinese integrates faster than a lot of immigrant do to their new cultural environment etc. Yep I think someone needs to look in the mirror to see who is really ignorant lolz :rofl:

Please throw your hateful propaganda out the trash bins of your own home. You do not represent people like us with east asian descent, if ever you even are really one, so don’t assume to speak for us.

Yeah It’s like the western mainstream media does not constantly attack and demonize other countries that they want the world to think are evil to brainwash and prepare people to support their invasions. :roll_eyes:

The Current Indian External Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar said it best about Western hypocrisy and double standards.

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This means Bobby is going to get all Musk on this game.

Expect devs to be fired.

Support was already done away with for WoW.

I think Bellular said it best on his show that we can only wait to see what really happened when more stuff comes out. It could be blizzard asking for more share or looking for more profitable partners like maybe Tencent. Netease has some strong word with their head calling someone a jerk in blizzard but at least they are professional enough to keep all things private still.

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Russia is a friend of convenience the same way the US is a friend of convenience with china. China historically tends to keep to itself even when its the major super power. It is an inward facing country and likely will remain so for sometime to come. It would take alot for them to mobilize an army.

Also, russia doesnt have a real military, they have slaves forced to fight. The bulk of their army is poorly fed and poorly equipped and their soldiers are barracked in 3rd world poverty level conditions. Most of them dont even want to be soldiers and the population at large has little interest in engaging in conflict. The only thing stopping any number of countries including china from stepping in and ending the ukraine conflict is nuclear weapons.


TIL 3% overall is a HUGE financial hit.

What a load of trash.

I’ve seen video after video of tourists going to China and they’re pretty much welcomed wherever they go, even places like Xinjiang and Tibet. There’s no ‘hatred of foreigners’ at all being pushed into the minds of the Chinese people.

That doesn’t mean there aren’t those who hate, but it’s not at all widespread.

The closest thing to hatred that I’ve seen getting pushed around in China is when folks like Jimmy Lai were pushing propaganda claiming all Chinese were ‘locusts’ leading up to the 2019 Hong Kong protests. Typical yellow peril type stuff that isn’t really new at all.


Will we still be able to make pandas or go to pandatown?