Wow annual pass

so seeing how many players are unhappy with the 6 month sub perks they once did a similar offer that i think was much better and fare for all players
i would hope for this to return in the future

so at one point they did annual pass for wow it had a mount and beta access and the game of diablo for free and all you had to do was to commit to 1 year and you could do it a month at a time it was an amazing deal for the players


As I recall, there were plenty of people that hated that as well.


I’d just really like them to stop discriminating against people that pay for their subs with gold, someone like me who cashed in millions of gold to cap out my Blizzard balance and subscription years in advance doesn’t get these perks. Blizzard profits from gold/token sales so i don’t see why we’re seen as 2nd class subscribers.


Unfortunately they don’t make money if you don’t pay a sub. It was pretty generous for Blizzard to implement a system where players could continue to play WoW without having to pay money but apparently you want to not only play the game for free but also receive all the store items for free as well.

It’s never enough for some people.


That’s one promotion I liked. No wondering if you were getting Beta just when.

Uh, they make more money if you pay with gold vs a sub.

You realize anyone purchasing a token from AH corresponds to someone who bought it for $20.


They don’t just give out tokens for free. The person using them might not be paying Blizz but they made $20 off of someone.


It wasn’t a month at a time though. I had it going for a handful of months then stopped my sub, they took the stuff away and I had to message them and re-set it back up again…

What was there to hate? You got WoW time, MoP beta, a mount and Diablo 3 all in one package. Personally, I loved it.


Actually they do, because they make money from tokens.


Yeah but not from you. The person complaining about not getting enough.

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They’re getting money for my sub, it doesn’t matter if it’s coming from me or from someone else, they’re still getting paid.


The complaints were pretty much the exact same ones that you see every time they do one of these “free with a 6-month sub” promos.

I only remember the annual pass happening once (thought I left shortly after it happened for a while).

It also came with an entire separate game.

It’d get more complaints, imho. Instead of “They are tricking us because insert patch is going to suck.” it would be “They are tricking us because half an expansion is going to suck.”

i did mine a month at a time you had to do it consecutively and they did give some leeway


It’s always something lol

I did too.

Ppl will hate any promotion

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So, let me understand. Effectively, someone else paid for your sub, and you think you should get the perks for it?