Wow anniversary rewards gone for 5 years

Same. I got the August Phoenix which took like no effort to get. I’m good.

They smelled that with the Sparkle Pony, the 1st mtx mount.


The golden celestial dragon mount is one of the coolest in the game. I hope they bring it back for people that missed it

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Sad. Remix was so fun. Everything being accelerated removed the tedium.

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You had 3-4 months. This game doesn’t cater to one single persons lifestyle. We all have missed out on some things. Just because you chose to play a different game, or chose not to play anything at all, or were literally gone and away from your PC for 3-4 months (maybe even out of your control, like jail or something), and are now demanding rewards be set to your standards, is extremely spoiled and entitled behavior.


LOL, easily, you have no idea what ‘barely surviving,’ as an MMO is

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I do wish I had played it more than I did. I just wasn’t into wow at that time and was playing other games.

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At least it will come back at some point instead of “NOPE GONE FOREVAH” I hate when anything is “LIMITED TIME NEVER COMING BACK” Also it wasn’t like you only had a few days either.

I would not spam the argument “FOMO1111” you don’t want to overruse it and have people not take you seriously.

Sometimes people make these choices. Choices have consequences.


I feel that. Tbh I didn’t get into it until the last month and a half or so. Then I couldn’t get enough lol.

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No? I didn’t mind the rewards leaving but anniversary is like any other holiday in game and comes back with each year. Putting certain rewards locked behind 5 years is the point of the thread.

This thread is also closed btw because people don’t get what I’m saying

I was making a joke. It flew past you all no sense of humor.

There was never at any point a message to people that rewards from the anniversary weren’t coming back. I only realized looking back at a blue post from January. Why would they get rid of rewards that are part of the anniversary. I guess 20 is a special number compared to like 21 or 22. I don’t really defend fomo regardless. And the people that missed mop remix I feel for because there were some cool rewards from that.

14.7% of current active accounts have this mount, assuming we are still anywhere near the 7M subs that was last reported, that would be upwards of 1 million players with this mount, let’s low ball that to 500,000 mounts.

That’s still $45M USD.

Either way, fact that ~15% of all of us decided it was worth buying is enough of a carrot for Blizzard to make more of them.

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Or, is it because you aren’t getting the answers you wanted?


who died and made you a forum moderator?


No people aren’t being reasonsable and/or not reading the responses that I’ve given in the thread.

I’ve had my question answered already so the thread serves no purpose and is closed.

except it’s not.
you don’t have the power to dictate when a thread is closed.


So, I was able to get all the anniversary stuff in a week. And that wasn’t even hardcore grinding. I was playing a few hours a day.

This was on for several months.

I’m sorry that you couldn’t find time to play, but this event was on for several months.

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And the mount and pet vendor didn’t have all the specialty mounts. I mean, I got some that I missed out on, but I would have liked to see some of the other anniversary event mounts and pets.

But that’s my issue…I’m definitely not complaining about it.

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