Wow and Free Speech and forum Censorship

Sure, that’s fair.

That still means they felt that personal or social speech should be handled by the public or society, not the government.

You could argue that the government weighing in at all, even in favor of more speech, would be interfering.

I will say that the forum moderators appear to be doing a fairly good even handed job.

Well, that’s a change of tune.
Last post I saw you said that you would run to your lawyer.
Have you ever considered the option of acting like a civilized adult so that you wouldn’t get into confrontations in the first place?

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why my son gets touch grass moments. I will let him take a picture with it but the phone stuff social media crap can wait till they day is done and we are at home, the hotel, etc. we came to see a vista/view. not to read a damned phone.

or more often these days its time for me the dad to teach father son things I can do. Like…how to properly shoot with a camera.

so even then the phone is away. He is 13, its time to trust him holding an expensive camera body with an expensive lens. He gets trigger time on my DSLR setup. I jsut make sure the neck strap is setup right and tight for him as a safety net lol.

and he learns things like framing and composition, correcting off histograms. since I am of the older generation of shooters.

Yes…you can fix many things in post. Photoshop and others are great tools. But one should be nailing the shot on site to not be in here for hours after.

fix and shoot with the right exposure on site. literally a few second change on the camera itself. to avoid now fixing it 50 damn times in photoshop later on lol.

then back at the hotel or house when its chill time he can airdrop and other phone crap away.

I swear Americans need to be taught this in school. The amount of them that harp on about MuH FrEeDoM oF SpEeCh, while not understanding how it works is incredible.

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and yet… it can also lead to being a victim of mass murder.

it’s probably a good thing that you walk around with pads and a helmet.
they’re going to come in handy when you get brave enough to have your first adult interaction with another human.

I am confused by this reply.

just turn off war mode

YOu are being nice.

for those who fight for the right for racial stuff…I’d grant them this ability.

after we got to some diverse areas I’ve lived in. 10 minutes, 1 mic and an amp.

I will respect you right to use that word. when one has shown the guts to use said words to peoples faces its directed against.

I ofc in the “debate” this may bring will respect people rights to 5th amendment as no one will corroborate who “debated” them. Everyone is pleading the 5th (they didn’t see nothing lol)…that too is a right lol.

don’t have the gutz to use the racial word to see how that 6’5" dude who benches more than you weigh will react…don’t find that courage on the internet is my thing.

why in some “diverse” hoods I ahve lived in even skinheads get half a brain to shut up, not spew one line of their crap and walkthrough quietly.

thats right dude…get back to your less divers area, with your less diverse friends then do your little bit. I don’t need traffic tied up because cops are tying up tight side streets for a scene from american history x rewritten. rewritten to ahve ed norton eating the curb

when humans get killed just for congregating at an educational institution, this comment isn’t exactly funny.

depends on how dark you like your humor.

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Freedom of speech only applies to government entities and not business’s , and for good reason. This is a community based game and what the community says and does has an impact on the games business. Rather you agree with me or not, It’s true that people encountering enough foul behavior makes them more likely to quit the game. Censorship reduces this likelyhood.

Oh boy, it’s 50-50 on whether you’d learn a neat Excel trick or never look at me the same way again depending on which computer I’m at!

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No. Also precisely the reason why not a single country does that. Not just the US.

I don’t think WoW is the place for a serious debate or where we should go to take others “speech” seriously.

People in trade talking politics think they’re a part of some great cause. The only cause, in reality, is they cause me to waste my time putting them on ignore.

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This is an absolutely horrible idea on the internet where people are empowered by anonymity to be absurdly toxic and hateful.

What is unfortunate about it?

I see no problem here, private entities need to be able to protect their own interests. Anything-goes chat would cause the community to push many players away (or cause parents to refuse to allow their kids to play), which would cost Blizzard money. It would also lead to many more reports of harassment, which would require more employees to investigate which costs money.

That right there is the bottom line reason for everything a business does: money.

No, I do not. Moderation is necessary to prevent the toxic portion of the community from destroying the entire game.

I think the current level of moderation is sufficient, with the exception of the in-game group finder tool which needs certain words and phrases regarding boosting to be blocked from names/descriptions.

Imo they already are fair with heir decisions.

Notice how all types of censorship and bans are all tied with LGBT community? They are literally offended about everything. Imagine getting offended over a joke, imagine getting offended over being a villain in a story, imagine being offended about literally everything.

It is a sickness.

offended about what

Not really…? People are banned for offensive and reprehensible behavior, not because the target is a certain group. It just so happens recently a certain group is the focus of that behavior. People get banned for slurs, toxic and harassment towards other groups and individuals as well.

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try again.