Wow and Free Speech and forum Censorship

For that it’s not entirely at their discretion. They need to have a just cause for taking action against a customer.

Actually, it is. You do not need just cause to have someone removed from private property. Period.

You have the rights to things you’ve paid for. That includes, for example, the right to watch a film. However, if you are implicitly signing a contract that says you cannot yell during the film, and you cause a disturbance, you have waived protection in that regard. To make things simple, we don’t agonize over “well let’s figure out if it’s true after the fact” because the theater is privately owned. Your dispute would happen after your removal.

The police will ask why. You better have a good reason. And the customer can bring a lawsuit against you. Dealing with the public can be legally complicated and costly. At that point the interpretation of the event goes to the judge.

They would, and they would take the owner or employees at their word. Because you, the person being potentially wronged, have the right to sue if you lose out on services or products you paid for.

After your removal.

Not that easy. It’s legally complicated. Depends on the circumstances of the event.

No, it’s quite simple. Because it’s private property. You will be removed first, not after a judge sees your case about a potential wrongful treatment.

And unfortunately for you, that’s why ToS and similar documents exist. To hold the consumer responsible.

Well now. With that I will bid you a good night. See ya tomorrow I hope. Sleep tight.

Anything privately owned can be regulated by the owners discretion. Freedom of speech for purposefully does not include private entities. Otherwise people would be freely allowed to come into your home and say whatever you want and you would not legally be allowed to have them removed ot stop them from speaking.

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Good night. I’m glad to educate you on the nature of your rights and the process of disputes.

Yes, by setting ToS and user guidelines in line with what they would like their company values to be. Additionally they can implement and enforce a code of conduct in order to protect themselves from potentially being a platform for bullying, hate speech, and all manner of activities.

It does not negate the constitution in any way. This is not a public forum. This is a businesses website for one of its products. It is allowed to run its website as it chooses. Allowing or not allowing things is Blizzards Prerogative.

Let me put it more simply for you. You are free to make a website and discuss whatever topic, in whatever way you would like. Now how would you react or respond if anyone could go onto your website and post whatever they wanted, and you were not allowed to change or regulate or censor that? You would not be happy. And your website could potentially be a platform for hate speech, because a group of people decide to flood your site with it.

Another thing, that I think I will have to put in simple terms. The internet is not isolated in the United States. You may live in the US. And the company may have its headquarters in the US. But the internet is not US only. Websites and the internet are not bound by the US constitution or any other constitution as they are global. If you want to see what a government controlled internet is, then look no further than China or North Korea. They exert control on the internet providers within the country to control and regulate access to the internet.

So the TLDR:
This is a businesses website for their product and thus they are fully within their rites to restrict what can be posted to it and what is on it.

The internet is not controlled by the United States nor regulated by the US Constitution. So unless you are unaware that places outside the US exist and also use the internet… this is a shockingly uneducated post.


Think of it another way: Blizzard is not censoring you, Blizzard is declining to sponsor your ideas.


It’s blizzards game, they can impose whatever rules on language they want
No free speech here


Not all speech is acceptable, nor should it be considered acceptable.

Hate speech for example, attempts at harassment, threats of violence or death, extremist language, overly sexual language.

These forums are frankly not a space for any of those types of language and giving people carte blanche to say whatever they want, as you say Blizzard should, would create a toxic hole that this forum and the game itself could never escape from.

We don’t need that type of behaviour here, so it’s better than it stay gone. Free speech is a double-edged sword, and you should be mindful of how its used before you cut yourself.


No because you cannot force someone to host an opinion. That is essentially compelled speech and is antithetical to any doctrine of freedom of speech. You can’t force people to host opinions they don’t want to host and since corporations are legally people, they have that right as well. Legally there is no such thing as hate speech, but private entities can censor all they want.

Since we are in 'murica businesses generally try to make an effort to be pro-free speech but if you’re indulging in straight nonsense then that good faith will be essentially gone. Also, it’s kind of hard to advertise and promote business when someone in the comments is spamming racial slurs.

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actually no i think theyre talking about how easy it is to get banned here if you say anything other then “i agree with the hive!”

also, reported for even typing that out. you may not have spelled it out, but you used a palce holder in order to drop the actual word “safely”. i find it extremely offensive. take that hate speech elsewhere.

most if not all of them because i don’t ask and i tend to get along with security. but that is beside the point, lets use a comparison, would it be acceptable for a restaurant to regulate the conversations it’s customers have while using the dining area?

now of course if someone is shouting or protesting, they could be removed, but what if people are just having an offensive conversation back in their own booth? this is like a forum thread. you click a forum thread and stick your nose in business.

so, lets say you were at a restaurant having an offensive conversation, and someone walked up and listened in, and then started screaming and ranting about how your conversation is offensive to them and demands you be kicked out of the restaurant, would that be an acceptable situation? and who should be kicked out?

this line really needs to go away, million or so soldiers have died to defend the right to free speech, so the idea that it just means you can’t be legally punished is wrong, free speech is more than just a legal code, it is ideological, people have the right to express themselves even if it is offensive to others and especially if it is offensive to others.

nobody needs to defend speech that doesn’t offend anyone.

blizzard is a company, not a person.

why do you feel the need to control what other people say and do? and why do you not understand that the more you attempt to control people the more they will push back and do the opposite of what you want?

Get censored nerd.


Ah, the last line of it, fair enough. Honestly that ‘nor shall private property’ bit feels kind of…tacked on at the end when compared to the rest of the amendment it’s self.

No they haven’t. Free speech has literally never existed in America.

We have the 1st amendment which is very different than what “free speech” advocates like to push.