Wow and Free Speech and forum Censorship

Someone really needs to save that man from himself.


All I can counter with is that it’s a failing of the education system to be delivering on what they should. Which is unfortunately a common problem, here.

More practical, for sure, but there are still professions to be had around criticism and the handling of it. Debatably it should be covered for people with an interest in journalism.

I’m not saying it shouldn’t be there at all, but that it should be an elective, not required for graduation.

as a Canadian its actually hilarious that Americans think the whole world revolves around them. I don’t care at all what your constitution says, even less so in a wow forum


Nope, because Blizzard isn’t a government entity and the First Amendment only covers what the government can and can’t do.

Is it at least fair to say they should teach some form of analysis in general classes? I learned a great deal about what makes for a good, substantiated argument from such classes. I was lucky to have a good education in my area, granted, though.

Some form of analytical reading required for graduation is good. I’m saying that 4 years of literary analysis is not the right way to do that.

1-2 literary, then civics, then contracts would be a better path than a mandatory 4 literary imo.

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Same. Same. Also not an American. I live there though and sometimes I just sit there and wonder… Wtf, America?


I am American but I still wonder that…


Every day.


Please learn the difference between a privilege and a right.


35 states require civics in high school, 15 don’t.
(see link in Ahnohla’s post above)

No they aren’t. Twitter kicking you off isn’t silencing you, you can make another platform of your own. Or find another. The fact that Truth Social exists is proof enough that no one corporation has “complete control” of modern discourse.


I guess (despite it being listed as a requirement in my state), it was just lumped in with US history.

Tell me you know absolutely nothing about Constitutional law without telling me you know absolutely nothing about Constitutional law.

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Leave this garbage on Twitter where it belongs. No, you shouldnt be able to sling racist slurs at people and just say “lolz get over it, block me!”


I went to multiple schools (Army brat) and having graduated high school in 1969 I don’t really know what they actually teach now.

Stop giving Blizz money and maybe they’ll listen.

Dude, I was running around in SL world, and I see a character named Horse****. You can finish it with your imagination. I reported and he got what was coming to him, but you can’t pre-meditively know when these disgusting things pop up, or when just people kamikaze harass. Yea, you can report while it’s happening, but often times for kids that’s way too late.

I think anyone paying attention the last few weeks knows that completely removing filters is a pretty terrible idea for any organisation that isn’t trying to attract a very specific community.