Wow, all these posts about twinks ruining BGs

Look me in the pixel eyes and tell me that I can roll one of these specs right now and square up to a twink fairly in a casual BG.

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Sure I can look at you right now and tell you a fury warrior most certainly can


Warrior vs Warlock is pretty bad at low levels. Put all warriors in their own bracket :joy:


Warriors are currently the fotm if twinks didn’t exist you would still see those gy camp just like legion survival hunters

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One, you’re either totally lying or blind. But even humouring it, I came to the forum with a story about one of these twinks - Balance Druid, specifically - and was dead in two casts. I had not even the chance to charge in.

You’re telling me a fresh, non-twinked character can roll Balance and do that to me?


Man all of these twink posts make me realize that I am missing out… Time to fight fire with fire and make a twink, sorry if any levels get caught in the cross fire but it’s time to do the lights work!


Balance druid is fotm at max lvl too iv been hit by a 101k starsurge that’s just a class issue


Which bracket are you talking?

Abuse it while you can! Not like the pool could get more toxic. All my years coming here, man.

But the more you exploit the situation, the more clearly it’s shown how ruined it is. So, more power to you.

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You are on somewhat geared enchanted FOTM character who has played since Vanilla.
Having Class issues.
And now without Any solid evidence you claim “Twinks” are ruining your two day Battleground experience? :thinking:
You were quick to link my armory in this negative thread, but not once did we see any screenshots (edit out the names/realms) of this supposed debacle.

Why would we not take this thread as a sham?


Who is this “we?” People seem to have mice in their pockets lately… :thinking:


And you’ve been posting in this thread since the start, yet forgot the part where I stated I enchanted and bought gear because of the reasons I stated.

Also, this character clearly hasn’t been around since Classic. I, as a player, have.


Mine got deleted years ago. Sorry.


the word we is to try to bolster their argument with hyperbole. They use imaginary friends that agree with them to try to make their argument valid. But ya I would not say a mouse in there pocket but prob a turd.


Have you tried PVP at 120 in BFA yet?

I got caught up in other posts, but yes. Only 8.0, though. Haven’t buggered with it much in 8.1.

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Yep. Much better. Since you have no more goals once you hit 120 but to progressively improve your gear and all.


If they’re such long que times, try using a different method of leveling? Like really. Stop spamming the same post over and over please.

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One, the last post was five hours ago. Who are you referring to? Me, the OP?

Two, if you were referring to me, queue times were obviously not the issue being discussed.

Three, this post is the grand total of TWO posts I’ve made on the PvP forums since the change. Both on different topics. That’s spam?

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Player issues have been confirmed, maybe take this to the Warrior forums?