Wow, all these posts about twinks ruining BGs

I see others suggesting using items levels and other such methods to “equalise” the situation, but for the time being, just reverting it to the old system would be much more preferable to this. That’s all I can really say. It’s fatiguing.


There’s no reason to separate. Lopsided games will still happen.


If its not one thing it will be another >remembers low level class balance in legion<

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“Lopsided”? The situation I went through last night was anything but chance. It was the same crew, over and over again, doing precisely the scummy things I’ve seen other posters here claim the average twink doesn’t do.


That’s some tough luck. But like you said was the same crew. There’s simply not that many twinks to justify separation.

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But apparently enough to justify a reversion, right?


That wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.

Lopsided games would not happen. The QoL for games was amazing prior to Legion.

It’s funny because when queues were separated, you saw all these posts saying “queues are still alive and well!” If that’s true, then there are enough for separation. Conflicting stories are being uncovered here lately. :thinking:


Not that I’ve seen. Again all my Bgs up till level 30 have been heirloom geared players dominating. Maybe I haven’t hit that twink bracket yet.


Could it be that it has something to do with your beard?

Well, with all due respect, that’s what I meant earlier when I remarked that it’s generally the ones that haven’t experienced the madness or those that are partaking who typically defend twinks in levelling BGs. I really hope you don’t have to endure the same.

My Ma tells me I’m a handsome bear.



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And still no one has linked even a ss of what I’m supposed to be looking out for.

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Um… BGs? Hard not to sound demeaning with the answer, but I don’t understand what you’re asking.

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Here, I’ll re-link what I posted last night:

I’m not sure what’s BiS for that bracket, but probably so. Essentially players that are wearing the best gear at the max level they can be to queue for a BG within a certain bracket. If they’re erasing your health in a hit or two, a fair shot it’s a twink.

Edit: Wanted to add, I think it’s against the ToS to link other players without their permission like that. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that’s the case.


Several people have described twinks in various threads. I think you are just choosing not to see them.


So report it and we’ll find out. Fwiw, creating multiple threads on the same topic is also considered spam and against tos, so we’re in the same boat amigo.

As a leveler with less than stellar gear, I’m having more of a class issue than gear. I think these twink posts are super exaggerated.

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yes that is your opinion that you have spammed all over every one of these threads. I think you like to talk repeatedly lol.


At this point, it’s not opinion.

it is opinion subjective to your mindset and narrative. Others clearly do not see it the way you do.