Wow Age demographic

I got forearmed in the chest for talking in the lunch line by this tiny nun built like a linebacker.

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I grew up being slapped for talking over people or out of turn. It’s a southern thing not to interrupt others when they talk. Or it used to be.

Discipline was soap in mouth, hitting, go without eating, writing out apologies over and over…and solving arguments with knock down drag outs…sometimes broken teeth.

My grandmother was lethal with a yard stick

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Late 40s here. Two more Christmases after this one actually before that big five-oh. :older_adult:

I was 30 years old when I started playing this game in 2006. But even back then, a lot of the people I played with were a lot older than that.

Way over 40.

Way under 40, but I started playing when I was 11.

I tend to be polite but when 4 other 3rd graders and myself got sent to the principle’s office one girl next to me was crying. The principle was a Dominican nun and took us all to task but singled out this girl who was crying and badgered her. I told the nun to leave her alone and why would she be picking on someone crying. I wasn’t afraid of no nuns. lol

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40, and bet my domina bodybuilder biker-mother beats all your abuse-stories :sweat_smile:

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If you go by many of the posts to the forums then I’d say the average demographic would be between the ages Seven and Fifteen!

22 myself and considering how rare it is for me to find others around my age, I would imagine early 20s are within the minority of the age demographic.

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over 40

way way over 40 closer to your age then 40

This is an interesting topic, because I was screwing around in a Normal raid last night and people actually were talking about this idea. I was the oldest one in the raid, at 41. I was saying how I was a young adult when this game first came out and I was there from the beginning. And it seemed the majority of players in that pug raid were between 19 and 25 maybe? There were a couple 30-somethings sprinkled in there, but the idea was that these “kids” told their friends how they play WoW and were then told that only old people play WoW when CLEARLY that is not the case.

I feel the longer WoW goes on, the younger the playerbase gets, because the older players finally get bored and move on to other things, or have families and jobs that get in their way of playing WoW consistently anymore. I remember when I played at the start, there weren’t that many 40+ people either.

44 here.

God, I’ve spent 19 years on and off with this game. Not counting the time spent anticipating it after it was announced.

Still a little bummed I never got to make an Abomination as a playable character.


Oh wow I figured you for someone in late 20s not the same age as me!

I’m 34 but my hair is already going white including a big streak at the front so maybe I’m an honorary old person

I get that a lot. My life kinda paused in my early 20s for reasons. So I know I come off a little more immature

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I remember my brother tricking me with a website that was supposed to let you look at the races before it released.

Some guy just made a website where you clicked the race icon you wanted and it gave you a coloured stick figure to float around the screen with big text saying “please don’t sue me Blizzard”

Weird that I still remember that. But older brothers can be fun like that…

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Under 40 (33)

Over 40, not quite a senior but climbing the hill

Slightly over 40. Played since vanilla.