Wow Age demographic

Definitely feels like there’s a lot of kiddos playing this game. Sad part is they’re just a bunch of 30+ yr olds who refuse to grow up.


I have children hitting 50 now, God I’m ancient.


Well under.

I’m 64.


My oldest is 44. It’s crazy!

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I’m old enough to drink twice

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


the playerbase’s mental age demographic is around 12-14


high five
35 on the 20th of this month

I would say mid to late 30s, possibly 40s.

Soon to be twice 40…Along with that I stopped doing dungeons and raids because of the rush…rush…rush.

Waaay over 40

I know the feeling i remember my niece being born she is sending her kids to college.

I’m over 40. I started playing midway through The Burning Crusade.

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Uhhh… I turn 20 in January…

Been playing since I was 8 :]

Nuh uh you big meanie head!

sticks out tongue and runs away

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Back in my day, my mom would wash my mouth with soap for using such language


I’d definitely get a good walloping.

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Over forty, by not quite 150%.

The church I went to made me wash my mouth for saying what Gable said to Leigh in Gone With the Wind.

Also. Punishment was squatting in corner following a wooden paddle. And lost nap and recess

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Way under 40 years old lol