WOW 2 point Oh

Instead of creating content on an engine from 2004 why wouldn’t they look at creating WoW 2.0
Use the same world maps and just launch a whole new WoW. Could you imagine doing Blackwing Lair or uldaman or Diremaul or UBRS with a whole new engine driving it??

I’d rather see them get rid of our current leader who does nothing but put out same content every xpac (dodge goo on the ground and create content for token sales)…
get someone in there who can get the fantasy juices flowing!!!


Get rid of the leader that puts out the “same” content and doesn’t add creative new things!

I wanna do blackwing lair and dire maul! Again!


Because the engine is upgraded and updated every single expansion, is modular in design and there’s zero reason to waste money and years creating a new engine that would work similarly.


NEVER going to happen. :rofl: :rofl:

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at least those early xpacs were creative. ever since our current leader took over in 2016 its all the same. m+ with goo on the ground.

Yes. And the creativity you want is to…

Checks notes

Do the same thing over again.

Sure. Your argument is based on ignoring everything you don’t like. But come on now.


There’s nothing “Creative” about redoing the past. :person_facepalming:

Also Sunday was yesterday.


really? ever walk through the barrens? or que up and do warsong gulch or arath basin…engine is upgraded…maybe…but this game could be so much more if they just launched it on an updated modern platform; Que up Eye Of the Storm. looks like a kid drew the graphics

Yes. Really. Sorry you dislike factual information.

Exactly what “more?”

  1. *queue
  2. You’re whining about graphical updates you want. Not an engine.


So, you want a whole new WoW with the Old WoW in it? So instead of putting out the same content every expac we have the same content we have now?


So much work for what already exists…

Perfectly said

If it had a bunch of new content and the graphics were amazing, mayyyybe I would support it? But I’m not interested in paying again for the same exact dungeons I already played, just because they look more modern.


Ooh spicy :dracthyr_love_animated:

if you were trying to be insightful and clever …IT WORKED! im a changed man. I agree Ion i guess you carebears know best. if your happy being able to purchase tokens for m+ content. rock on!

The fact that I can’t really tell the difference between trolls and morons anymore around here is depressing.

anyways, WoW 2.0 is never going to happen, as anyone with three spare brain cells can see



because they’re a business and businesses generally care about the shortterm more than the long term. Building a whole new engine would cost more and take longer than just working with the current engine in the short term.

I think you’re overestimating Ions role in development.

that’s not bad but here’s an even better idea…
:partying_face: :tada:

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We get one of these posts every time some content creator posts a video of WoW with “updated” graphics, ignoring a large part of what made WoW so popular is having a game that even a potato could run.


Who knew giving factual information suddenly warranted some odd form of “carebear” insult.

  1. That has nothing to do with what engine the game uses
  2. If you’re paying to run M+, you’re getting ripped off and you should spend it on this bridge I have to sell.

They did that back in 2006/2007.